COVID-19 Message from Pastor Stanton, Mar. 13
“Bind us together, Lord,
bind us together
with cords that cannot be broken.
Bind us together, Lord,
bind us together, Lord;
bind us together in love.”
On Thursday, March 12, First Lutheran’s Vision & Leadership Team met to consider cancelling worship gatherings for this Sunday, March 15, in response to the public health crisis caused by COVID-19. Unanimously, we agreed that the suspension of Sunday and Wednesday worship gatherings is sad and yet warranted. When a substantial population within the fellowship of a congregation is told by authorities to avoid public spaces, the rest of the congregation has an opportunity to express Christian unity by sharing in the burden.
“Bear one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
We refuse to cancel worship gatherings out of fear. Our choice is grounded in love for one another.
I’ve spent a lot of time over the last couple of months teaching and preaching about how essential worship is to the life of a human. What we do in worship: confessing, praising, praying and ‘peace’ing, etc. is all done so that we would be little Christs outside of worship for the rest of the week! So, cancelling worship gatherings is done with very heavy hearts.
First Lutheran is not cancelling worship altogether! God has work to do in our hearts, minds and souls, especially at this moment. This Sunday at 10:30 and Wednesday at 6:15, we will provide a live stream worship service. Go to (that’s a link at our website). We’re also hoping to have it at Facebook through our church’s page. Like it today! Our praise band will lead songs. A sermon will be preached. And prayers will be prayed. All through the miracle of the internet.
I also know that not everyone has access to the internet. This is why we will be working hard over the next week to generate a phone tree so that Christian contact can be made, especially with our elders who may have no other way to connect with their church during this crisis. And… maybe now is the time to get a device in the hands of people who aren’t online yet. I would be thrilled to get a team together who would be willing to equip our non-on-liners with a basic tablet and password so that they could participate in worship.
Each week we will re-evaluate information provided by our most trusted resources to help determine the status of worship gatherings at First and provide updates through our website, email, texts and social media. Please provide the church office with any email or phone number updates, as well as your cell provider so we can be in touch.
During this time when First’s leadership has determined that we are in “stage 2” of our pandemic protocol (click this link to read in full) groups of fewer than 10 will still be permitted to gather in our building, with precautions: sit far away from each other, disinfect all surfaces upon entering and leaving a small group space, no coughers allowed. This includes Lenten small groups and any other small groups that meet at First. Our staff will still work in their offices, with precautions. Visitors are still welcome to stop in, with precautions. This means that in-person pastoral care is still possible as well as some meetings. Check with your ministry leader if you have any questions.
Sunday School, confirmation, youth groups, OWLs and other large groups will be cancelled for as long as worship gatherings are suspended. Alcoholics Anonymous, Girl Scouts and other groups First Lutheran hosts will determine their own policies for whether they choose to meet during this crisis.
I have already heard a variety of responses from our membership, including, “This is scary” and “This is a relief.” I think both of those feelings are completely correct. Watching the world shut down is scary. But clear boundaries are a relief in times of chaos. I hope it is a relief to make one less decision, as you may want to go to worship, but wonder if you ‘should’.
Whether or not any of us ever get sick in any way, we are all suffering what one person called a “pandemic of disappointment.” We all had tournaments to play, March Madness to bet on, performances to watch, concerts to enjoy and travel plans! And now we are being asked to separate from what is usually a major coping strategy for when we’re disappointed: our favorite people! We are certainly entering a time of wilderness.
As Christians, we know a thing or two about the wilderness: we know that God’s people wandered for forty years, uncertain about where they were going or how they were going to get there. We know that Jesus was tempted there for forty days, showing what it looks like to depend on God’s grace for his every need. And we know from personal experiences that God shows up in the wilderness in unexpected ways.
Lent 2020 has become a churchwide and nationwide shared wilderness moment. In this wilderness that is full of scary predictions, divisive rhetoric and so much ignorance, we Jesus-followers have an opportunity to see all aspects of this crisis through eyes of faith, seeing God at work in the ways we remain bound together despite our physical separation.
Your staff and leadership at First Lutheran pray that our church will grow closer together during this time when we worship apart. Join us! And… wash your hands.
Pastor Stanton