Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message from Pastor Stanton for Aug. 2020

What can faith formation look like during a pandemic when we can’t gather for in-person conversations, studies, worship or prayer? The current moment is no different from any other chapter of our lives: either we’re growing in our faith or other priorities and interests are taking the place of our relationship with God. This is a time to get creative with how we use our time to stretch our faith in ways we haven’t before. That’s why Pastor Karyn and I and our whole staff have created a bunch of new ways to engage with God and each other amidst COVID time.

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message from Pastor Karyn for Aug. 2020

I am determined to get my newsletter article in on the day it is due. Typically my article is late because I have a hard time deciding what to talk about, there are so many ideas running through my head. This month, there are a whole bunch of things, but not one of them is enough to fill up the space I have. So as I sit here in my home office, longing for the entertainment of baby birds being fed by a momma bird right outside my window, it occurred to me that all the things running around in my head are the things I would talk about if I were seeing you face to face.

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Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Message from Kathryn for Aug. 2020

At the beginning of this staying at home for the safety of everyone, I was enjoying baking on the weekends. I work from home during the week and unlike many who have had time to bake and clean out closets during the week, I only have the weekends to do projects. I loved baking cookies and muffins and gave many of them away during the first couple of months, but lately I haven’t and I’ve missed not only the baking but the giving away my goodies to my neighbors.

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Announcements Jason Stanton Announcements Jason Stanton

COVID-19 Update for July 31, 2020

Members and Friends of First Lutheran,

How is First Lutheran going to reopen? Since March, the elected leadership and staff of First Lutheran have been asking this question. In the meantime, we have tried to meet ‘the moment’ with compassion, care and creativity. The Holy Spirit has been busy among us as we have continued to worship (online), generously give (to both the Capital Campaign and this year’s general fund) and remain engaged through various online opportunities. We now have a weekday Bible study, a daily prayer, a weekly spiritual practice, Bible Bits and more. Our membership continues to be connected through our “Neighbor to Neighbor” program and every once in a while there’s a RAFL - a Random Activity of First Lutheran that you can join.

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message from Pastor Karyn for June 2020

In my May 19 Morning Musing, I shared this verse and the impact it is having on me right now. I have been deeply challenged by these words. This pandemic has not been easy on a whole host of levels, and while I am grateful for all that I have, I too have struggled with the range of emotions and reactions that have come over me as I make my way through this with everyone else. There are days when loving people seems nearly impossible. And yet, loving people is the very lens, the very ground, the very heart of everything I do or say. It is what defines me (and all followers of Jesus) because God first loved me (and everyone else) through Jesus.

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message from Pastor Stanton for June 2020

Last month my newsletter recounted the ways we remain behaving as Church together despite not gathering in person and despite our social distancing. I said, “We worship”, “We give” and “We serve.” It continues to be true. Whether we are celebrating our Senior Class of 2020 on May 17 with a cupcake Sunday and so much more, or engage in the Pentecost Project that made May 31’s service especially multi-lingual, our worship numbers remain steady. Financial giving in April was incredibly generous and brought us closer to meeting our budgeted income through four months of 2020. And we do continue to serve as you care for your neighbors, reach out to your family and oftentimes go an extra mile to keep yourself and loved ones safe. Thank you for all the ways you continue to be the Church!

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Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Finding Rest

I have this very large overstuffed chair in my living room where I sit in to spend time with God. I either curl up into it or drape my legs over the arm of the chair, and that’s where I’m at peace. It’s where I can pray my heart out, but also where I can hear music play as I do my Bible study. I also have a place away from home where I can find peace and where I’m met with God’s creative work. That place is my nephew’s vineyard atop a ridge in Vernon County that overlooks the farms and ridges with a 180 degree view. I can sit on the deck looking out and seeing all that God has created. It is there that I find peace and rest.

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