COVID-19 Update for July 31, 2020

Members and Friends of First Lutheran,

How is First Lutheran going to reopen?  Since March, the elected leadership and staff of First Lutheran have been asking this question.  In the meantime, we have tried to meet ‘the moment’ with compassion, care and creativity.  The Holy Spirit has been busy among us as we have continued to worship (online), generously give (to both the Capital Campaign and this year’s general fund) and remain engaged through various online opportunities.  We now have a weekday Bible study, a daily prayer, a weekly spiritual practice, Bible Bits and more.  Our membership continues to be connected through our “Neighbor to Neighbor” program and every once in a while there’s a RAFL - a Random Activity of First Lutheran that you can join.  

We continue to be committed to the safety of all who enter the building.  Each Wednesday, the La Crosse County Health Department updates a “COVID-19 Compass Pre-Vaccine Status” that will inform the table (click here to view table), which is meant to guide our staff and membership as we respond to questions about re-opening.  On July 29, the Compass was at the “Severe” risk level.  

Our pastors and leadership are still considering how to offer outdoor worship possibilities while indoor worship remains unfeasible.  With our priorities being 1) safety and 2) making sure all are welcome, it’s very difficult to find a way for a congregation our size to attempt gathering in person again.  We have also thought, in the first few months of our time apart, that our live-stream worship was so much better than the limited number of things we could do together in person where we won’t be able to sing, come within six feet of each other, share the peace, or food fellowship.  But as the weeks go on, many are starting to feel like a limited outdoor gathering would be worthwhile, despite being masked and remaining socially distant.  So, know that the grid below remains our guiding document for using the building at First.  But outdoor options with precautions may be announced soon.  

The pastors and staff are still hard at work seeking ways to teach confirmation, Sunday school, make a difference in our community, and share the good news of God’s grace and peace amidst such a chaotic time.  We hope to provide special services like baptisms and funerals in creative ways.  First Lutheran is not closed.  But, with your support we are living into a new way of being church.  

It is an important time to engage in your church.  Listen to the Morning Musings.  Create a worship space in your home for Wednesday and Sunday services.  It’s never too late to become a Bible Reader.  Contact Pastor Stanton or Pastor Karyn with ideas, questions or observations about where you are seeing God active in this COVID world.  We believe First Lutheran will emerge from this time of physical separation stronger than before.  

In Christ,

The Vision & Leadership Team and Pastors at First Lutheran


Good News for August 2020


Announcements for Sunday, July 26 2020