Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for February 2017

Despite the cold, the OWLs had a fun and heart-warming January. Many of us attended the new movie La La Land after a great lunch. Our potluck featured Pastor Ron Nowland, who gave a very interesting presentation on “Where Angels Come From.”

Our February potluck will continue with the theme of angels. Many of us have either been touched by an angel or been an angel to some else. For our program, we will be the program. Everyone should bring a story about either how they have been touched by an angel or have found themselves being an angel to someone else. If you have a special angel symbol in your life (a piece of jewelry, a Christmas angel, a piece of art) please bring it to show. Our potluck will be on the usual 3rd Wednesday, February 15, in the narthex at noon.

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message From Pastor Karyn for February 2017

It was last summer when Pastor Stanton suggested the book Sabbath As Resistance as our Lenten study. It wasn’t far into this small yet packed book that I knew I would be challenged by the 6 chapters and that it would take courage to keep going, that it would require trust in the Spirit to take me to the places where I need to go to grow in my faith and understanding of scripture. As I made my way deeper into the book and my own reflection, I found God waiting with a gentle hand as new truths were revealed and my faith was strengthened. You see, I was sure I had it figured out, my life was good and I was doing a fair job of managing my time and life. God reminded me that while life is good, there is something better for me and for the world. Rest that is deeper than my usual. Rest that goes beyond the physical and moves into the emotional and spiritual.

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message from Pastor Stanton for January 2017

The week after Christmas, my family made their way to the Bahamas so that the kids could join new classmates for the entirety of their second semester which begins (for Bahamians) on January 3. Schools in the Bahamas require uniforms. Indoor gymnasiums do not exist. My eldest will commute to school by boat. It promises to not just be a change of pace, but an experience that will transform their perspectives on the world.

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Radiating Warmth

One of my favorite things about winter is having a cup of hot chocolate in a large mug I can wrap my hands around. Sitting by the window watching it snow with the mug radiating warmth and me curled up under a blanket is so calming and relaxing. It would be great if everyone who comes into our church would feel that way. A warm place to be, someplace where everyone is welcomed. We all can make this happen if each one of us does our part.

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Clothes Closet, Newsletter Article Member of First Lutheran Clothes Closet, Newsletter Article Member of First Lutheran

Clothes Closet Update for December 2016

What is our most precious resource? The thing we all wish we had more of, to use, to share with our families and to give to others?

Surely, it is time. While we guard our time closely and feel we never have enough of it, it is when we give that time that we receive the most back. Volunteers who have given their time to serve as hosts for the First Teen Clothes Closet recently shared the moments of time when they were able to see and feel how this ministry is about so much more than clothes.

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