Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message from Pastor Stanton for March 2016

ince September, we have been considering, as a congregation, what it means that God welcomes us to “the table.” Our Lenten theme is centered upon this truth as well. We come to the table to be fed, for fellowship, to be known, to be included, to remember Sabbath, to celebrate… and there’s so much more. But these things, obviously don’t just happen at the church’s Altar Table. They also happen in our homes, at our dinner tables. God shows up in our feasts and our weeknights, over meatloaf and prime rib. These are the first two points we want to make about the table: that God shows up both at church and in your home.

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message from Pastor Karyn for March 2016

“Good morning, Bob. How are you?”

“I’m busy.”

That was the exchange I overheard early one morning and it has shifted something in me profoundly. It isn’t like I haven’t contemplated “busy” quite a lot the last year and the impact on me, the people I serve and the larger world, but that moment brought those things that had been brewing together. Like a really good cup of tea. Since that fateful day I have had several people talk to me and say, “but I know you are busy, pastor.” Or “I just don’t have time because I am too busy.” and I have to wonder when we as a people became obsessed with “busy”. It has, I think, become a social acceptable and desirable way to either numb our emotions or to make sure we are worthy of life. If we are busy enough we don’t have to listen to the voice in our heart that wants to work out the pain or we can say we are worthy of love. Here is the problem with this: when we don’t take the time to listen to our heart or allow ourselves to be loved simply because we are, we also decrease the amount of joy and peace and other light emotions we may have the chance to experience. Not only that, but we can’t hear God. We can’t hear what God would have us do or be, we can’t hear the words of love and promise that God is always trying to get us to know. Instead, we keep moving, keep filling our days with other things (even though they are probably good things) and we slowly die inside.

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Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave

Small Group Update for March 2016

“I had a pastor who distributed communion with such focus and the way he said. ‘This is the blood of Christ,’ I had no doubt it was the blood of Christ.” 
“I grew up Catholic and how I thought about communion was never something I felt could even be discussed.” 

These are just a few samples of stories I’ve heard told from people participating in small groups. Lenten small groups are in full swing, and there is great conversation happening; no small group telling the same story or hearing the same experience. That’s the joy of small group, hearing each other’s story, hearing about doubt, hearing about great faith and realizing other people have questions and struggles, too.

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Warming Welcoming

After a few years away from a Bible study I had gone to before, I was warmly welcomed back with hugs, smiles and many saying, “It’s so good to see you.” When you are greeted with warm cookies and coffee as you check into a hotel, it makes you feel special and appreciated. These are the things you remember and make you want to go back. I want every person coming into our church to have that same feeling of being warmly welcomed, special and appreciated. It would be so nice to see people greeting each other, helping young moms with children and helping those with walkers or wheelchairs. I desire a place where visitors can go to get information and a gift to welcome them to our church.

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for March 2016

Winter weather did not slow the OWLs down one bit in February. Our potluck was very well attended by both OWLs and Lenten worshipers. The food was plentiful and fantastic. Thank you to all who contributed. We will once again host lunch for Lenten worshipers at the March potluck.

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Newsletter Article, Announcements, Email Jason Stanton Newsletter Article, Announcements, Email Jason Stanton


In the Old Testament covenant between God and the people, a rhythm of life was established. There would be rest on the seventh day. All living things were to follow the lead of God the Father, who rested on the seventh day of creation. Not only are humans and animals called by God to rest every seventh day, but fields are to lay fallow every seventh year. Jesus built on this understanding of Sabbath when, instead of robotically only taking the seventh day off, he sometimes ‘worked’ on the Sabbath as he healed those in need, but also sought out connection with God by leaving crowds for times of rest and prayer. Jesus clarified what Sabbath is for: “the Sabbath was made for humankind, not humankind for the Sabbath.” Jesus knows human beings can become human doings. God knows humans need time for renewal.

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