Small Group Update for March 2016

“I had a pastor who distributed communion with such focus and the way he said. ‘This is the blood of Christ,’ I had no doubt it was the blood of Christ.” 
“I grew up Catholic and how I thought about communion was never something I felt could even be discussed.” 

These are just a few samples of stories I’ve heard told from people participating in small groups. Lenten small groups are in full swing, and there is great conversation happening; no small group telling the same story or hearing the same experience. That’s the joy of small group, hearing each other’s story, hearing about doubt, hearing about great faith and realizing other people have questions and struggles, too.

There are 115 people participating in small groups this Lent. The groups are all discussing the Wednesday sermon using sermon notes. If you didn’t have a chance to join a group during Lent, sermon notes are still available for you to use on your own. Members are finding the sermon notes an easy way to guide conversation and have some great discussions.

There will also be several small group options available for you following Lent.

New this spring are two new groups: Coloring and Meditation and a parenting group, Knowing Me Knowing Them. Coloring and Meditation small group will be led by a new member, Collin Magner. Wednesday evening is the planned meeting time, but it’s open for discussion depending on participant interest. This is a 6-week group.

Knowing Me Knowing Them is for parents and grandparents. The group is led by Carla Stanton and will study your parenting personality type using Enneagram. Participants will need to buy the book Knowing Me Knowing Them, available at First in the Resource Center. This group meets at 6:30-8:00pm, April 3–May 1.

Ongoing year round, a group meets every Sunday between worship services and watches a DVD called The Story, which is walking them through the Bible.

This group, The Story group, is open to all. Wednesday morning at 6:30 a group meets at Panera with Pr. Karyn. This group is also open to all and alternates between studying books of the Bible and reading books on living a Christian life. The Courageous Men also meet Wednesday morning at 6:00 at the house and alternate between a variety of DVD-based studies. Parent Share is open to parents of children of any age who want to share the walk of the important vocation of parenting. This group meets Sundays between worship services.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

First Teen Clothes Closet Update for March 2016


Warming Welcoming