God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Thankfully Receiving

Have you ever received a gift and you were not really excited or even thankful for it. But soon after receiving the gift you realized it was what you needed. I know that has happened to me. One Christmas my mother-in-law gave us a cooking pot with a lid, just one mind you and we had a set already. I thanked her for all the gifts, but was thinking in the back of my mind, “what will I do with this one pot and lid.” That summer that pot and lid came in very handy....

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Newsletter Article, Sunday School Sunday School Superintendents Newsletter Article, Sunday School Sunday School Superintendents

Sunday School Update for November 2014

What’s happening in Sunday school this November????

  • All Month: Bring food items for Onalaska Food Pantry (details below)
  • November 2nd and 9th: 3 year old Stepping Stones
  • November 11th: 3 year old Stepping Stones in worship
  • November 11th: 3 and 4 year olds sing at 10:30 worship
  • November 30th: Thankful Sunday, Intergenerational Event
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Newsletter Article, Young Youth Beth Miller Newsletter Article, Young Youth Beth Miller

Young Youth Update for November 2014

I am so very proud of all the young youth who helped out with the church service on Oct. 12th. You did a brilliant job. You were all a huge help and the readers read beautifully. Thank you for participating. You are such a blessing to our church!! Keep watching for updates on when we’ll help run service again. It will be some time in the spring.

Our event for November is to volunteer at the Humane Society. 

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OWLs, Newsletter Article Brian Narveson OWLs, Newsletter Article Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for November 2014

October has been a month of mild temperatures and beautiful color. The OWL’s took full advantage of both with our trip to Sugar Creek for “Yesterday’s Youth” where we listened to fascinating presentations on the building of the Alaskan Highway and the Battle of Midway, followed by a fun afternoon with Laughing Laura. Our October potluck featured Ron Nowland and his wife Frieda presenting a great program on Michigan Lighthouses which was personalized with stories of Ron’s father in the light house service on Lake Michigan.

However, just because it’s getting cooler does not mean the OWL’s are hibernating for the winter. We will start November with a Friday Night Out. 

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for November

October has been a month of mild temperatures and beautiful color. The OWL’s took full advantage of both with our trip to Sugar Creek for “Yesterday’s Youth” where we listened to fascinating presentations on the building of the Alaskan Highway and the Battle of Midway, followed by a fun afternoon with Laughing Laura. Our October potluck featured Ron Nowland and his wife Frieda presenting a great program on Michigan Lighthouses which was personalized with stories of Ron’s father in the light house service on Lake Michigan.

However, just because it’s getting cooler does not mean the OWL’s are hibernating for the winter. We will start November with a Friday Night Out. 

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