Vacation Bible School Help

The following items are needed for this year’s VBS program:

  • Gallon jugs with lids
  • Empty coffee cans or baby formula containers (metal or plastic cylinder without sharp edges)
  • Large cardboard boxes or pieces

Other items needed, to be borrowed and returned:

  • Garden cart / wheelbarrow
  • Blue and black tarp

Kitchen help is needed for the program:

Helpers are needed to… 

  • prepare food beforehand (around 3pm)
  • serve the meals (5-5:45 pm)
  • cleanup (5:45-6:30)

Helpers are needed each night; so help one or more days, whatever you are able! Please contact Becky Runde at 507.259.0295 / to let her know what help you can give. Thanks!

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Prayers for those in Arcadia, and others recovering from Wednesday's water damage


Announcements for Sunday, July 16