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Worship Team Gatherings

In order to better know other members in our worship teams, and to review team goals, plan on attending the gathering time for your teams listed below:

  • Feb 15, 7pm for Readers
  • Feb 19, 11:30am for Acolytes
  • Feb 22, 7pm for Assisting Ministers (these people will assist in leading worship, speaking the prayers, leading the creed, dismissing people etc.) 
  • Feb 26, 11:30am for Communion Servers
  • March 5, 11:30am for Altar Guild/Communion Set-up
  • March 8, 7pm for Intercessors (these people will write the prayers of intercession each week)
  • March 12, 11:30am for Puppets and Tech
  • March 15, 7pm for Worship Coordinators (these people will be our primary coordinator for any given worship service, making sure people are present, trouble-shooting when needed, and eventually helping with training etc. We are seeking 6 people to make this team.)
  • March 19, 11:30am for Ushers
  • March 22, 7pm for Bread Bakers
February 26

Social Media and Faith

March 11

Walk for Water at Valley View Mall