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RIC Small Groups

In 2019, the Vision and Leadership Team determined that it was time for us to explore the possibility of becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Congregation. A team was formed and all set to dig more deeply into the training and work and then the pandemic hit. However, the Vision and Leadership team continued to hear God’s call to Welcome All, Build Community and Serve Our Neighbors and so when virtual trainings became available, our RIC team once again took up the task of guiding our congregation on the journey toward becoming an RIC congregation.

What is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, you may be wondering. A Reconciling in Christ congregation commits to:

  1. Explicitly stating a welcome to people of “all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions” or “LGBTQIA+” and names its commitment to “racial equity” or
    in its welcome statement. 

  2. Being open to calling an LGBTQIA+ and Black, Brown, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC) Rostered Leader. 

  3. Allowing community space/sanctuary to be used for LGBTQIA+ weddings and blessings. 

  4. Making a meaningful contribution annually to support the national RIC program.

This holy ministry is about living the journey by creating ongoing milestones to help us deepen and expand our community’s welcome. It is certainly a journey with many steps that will take several years to complete and may not lead to First Lutheran becoming a RIC community. The journey, the work, will help us deepen our faith, put our faith into action and speech and ultimately create a vibrant community that lives into our stated values. This work has already begun but we are still in the early stages, building relationships and seeking understanding.

In January, we invite you to become a part of this journey by participating in a four week study that digs deeper into how we as Lutherans understand and study the Bible and use these principles to explore the parts of scripture most often lifted up as people talk about inclusion of LGBTQIA+ folk. Each session will include some short reading, a video from one of our pastors and conversation with a small group facilitated by a member of the RIC team.

It is our hope that as we enter Lent, we will have created a map of the journey First Lutheran will take as we seek to more fully live out what means to follow Jesus and build a community where we do indeed welcome all.

RIC small groups will meet throughout the month of January… click here to choose which small group works best for you!

Current Small Groups

  • Sunday Morning at 9:15 (Meets Jan. 9-Jan. 30 in the Thomas Rm)

  • Wednesday Evening at 7pm (Meets Jan. 5 - Jan. 26)

January 22

Funeral for Erik Nedrelo

February 25

OWLs Fly to Big Band Cabaret