RSVP for Cottage Meeting
As a part of stewardship for the upcoming year, the congregation is invited to a cottage meeting at David Reay’s to provide input toward 2024’s “Big Three Ideas.”
What do you already love about First Lutheran?
What are our greatest opportunities as a church?
Where could we direct our generosity and energy in the future?
The leadership of First Lutheran want to hear your ideas about where God may be calling us in 2024 and beyond. Sign up here to reserve your spot at David Reay's, Thursday night, Sept 21. Come any time after 5:30. The meeting starts at 6:00 and will be done by 7:30. Babysitting will be provided at church from 5:30–8pm. First will provide some apps; you buy your own beverages. Join Pastor Stanton and other lay leaders for fellowship and conversation.
If Thursday doesn't work, we will have the same conversation at First Lutheran between services on Sunday, Sept. 24 in the narthex. Treats will be a bit more substantial and no sign up is required. Just come ready to talk about your ideas!