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Communion Assistants Training

In July we began to commune, virtually. To do this well, we need each single person/family who expects to participate to designate at least one confirmed Christian who will act as the ‘assisting minister’ in their household. Maybe family members rotate week-by-week.

All designated assisting ministers are required to sign up for and attend a virtual training date lead by Pastor Karyn and Pastor Stanton.

We believe God meets us where we are at… so we will celebrate God meeting us online.

From Pastor Karyn

Oh, how we miss you on Sunday mornings! I hope that you have found us online each Sunday and Wednesday as we live-stream worship. If not, you can find us at

When we first began this worship practice, we did not imagine it would be for the length of time it has been, and so we decided that we would abstain from communion until we could gather together again. There has been much conversation between the theologians, pastors, bishops, and scholars of our church around best practices for communion during this time when, worldwide, people of faith are not gathering. Pastor Stanton and I have been hesitant to go against 500 years of practice (some would argue 2,000 years) without great thought and communal discernment with our colleagues. In June, Bishop Arends provided the guidelines that allow us to faithfully move forward with including Holy Communion in our live-stream worship. This is a temporary situation and we look forward with great hope and expectation to the day when we can gather again and participate in the sacrament together. 

Here is how we mean to move forward and what will be asked of you.

  1. Each household is being asked to designate one (or more) person who is of confirmation age or older, to be the "communion assistant". This person will then attend a "training" of sorts about the whys and hows and whats of "presiding" over communion. Here is the sign up link: Zoom links will be sent to you that week, so it is very important you sign up!

  2. Throughout the worship service, there will be plenty of direction given for the designated communion person. I also encourage you to have a person designated at the water bearer, who will pour water during the thanksgiving for baptism and will bless those in your household. 

I am deeply thankful for all of you and the ways you embody grace as we move through this pandemic—a new experience for all! I hope that as we continue to explore the ways we are church together while we can not be physically together, you are fed and nourished by the word of God and our worship.

Blessings to you, dear ones,

Pastor Karyn Bodenschatz

August 2

Vacation Bible School: Home Kits

September 13

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