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OWLs Fly to Trester Trolley

After our fun trip to the museum in Winona this winter, several have asked for an encore to learn more about Winona. For our May outing, we will return to Winona and take the famous Trester Trolley tour. The tour will give us an historic and architectural overview of the city. The tour is narrated by Clarence Russell, who will delight us with facts and maybe some stretched facts (OK, stories) about the city and its colorful people. The trolley is handicap accessible and totally ours for the two-hour tour. Cost of the tour is $15 payable the day of the tour. After the tour, we will head to a local establishment for a fine lunch and conversation. But we are not done yet. Before heading home, we will stop at the historic and beautiful Pickwick Mill. The Pickwick Mill was built from 1856 to 1858 by Thomas Grant and Wilson Davis and is one of the oldest water-powered gristmills in southeast Minnesota. Just 5 miles south of Winona it will be a great way to finish our day. We will leave from the church at 8:30 AM on Thursday, May 28 and return about 3 PM. We need to know ahead of time how many people are coming. Please contact Brian Narveson or call 608-526-9700 by Tuesday, May 26, if you plan to attend. Feel free to invite a friend. Our cost goes down to $10 each if we have more than 15 people.

May 13

Car Wash

June 3

Companion Ministry Informational Meeting