God's Hands & Feet Andrew Stutesman God's Hands & Feet Andrew Stutesman

Entertaining Angels

It was a very snowy windy day, as we were traveling back from Chicago, so we stayed behind a semi-truck most of the way back home.  As we followed the semi-truck, we thought of the semi driver as our angel.  Whenever some stranger helps me, I think of that person as an angel that God has placed there to help me.  It's a wonderful thought that there are angels out there to help us when we are in need and to protect us when we are in trouble.  Angels are also those who are strangers to us, those who don't look like us or act  like us, that might need our help.  When we show kindness to a stranger in our homes,  at church and anywhere we are, we might be entertaining an angel without knowing it....

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Newsletter Article, Email Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article, Email Andrew Stutesman

Message from Pastor Karyn for August

“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.” – Thomas Jefferson

When I saw this quote, I laughed. It was so perfect. It fit with everything we had learned while being in Philadelphia. If I was a t-shirt wearing person I would have purchased the t-shirt. The funny thing was when our group met for lunch that afternoon, several others mentioned seeing it and thinking the same thing!...

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Newsletter Article, Email Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article, Email Andrew Stutesman

Message from Pastor Stanton

Ten teams of three to five people each have been busy putting meat on the bones of our plans. These teams are coming up with specific ideas for how to address how First serves the community, hospitality, evangelism, learning ministries, property concerns, worship, stewardship and more. Ideas have been flying around all summer without much concern for exactly how they will all get done. Now that we are naming the places we want to go, the next step is for our staff, leaders and all our members to figure out how to get there....

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Announcements, Events, Email Andrew Stutesman Announcements, Events, Email Andrew Stutesman

Heavenly Harp Concert

The mother/daughter duo known as Heavenly Harp will perform at 7 pm Tuesday, July 29, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Mormon Coulee Road in La Crosse. Also, Karin Gunderson, author of “Encounters With Heaven,” will share stories of God’s presence. Free; donations accepted; CDs and DVDs available.

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