Jonathan Rundman in Concert Tonight!
Minneapolis-based folk/pop songwriter Jonathan Rundman will be performing a free, outdoor concert at First Lutheran TONIGHT!
Rally Sunday & First Fest this Sunday!
Sunday school at First Lutheran kicks off Sunday, September 7th with “Rally Day” on First Fest Sunday! Sunday school registration is from 9:15–10:15am in the narthex. There will not be Sunday school class this day, however parents and kids are encouraged to come register, see their classrooms, meet their teachers, and receive their registration packets.
Sunshine Boys Meet Again on Friday, at 9am
Forget to join the Sunshine Boys today at 9am? Don't worry—you have another chance tomorrow, Friday, at the same time! And if you did remember, and can come again! If we aren't mistaken, Mike needs help trimming shrubs, and many hands make quick work!
New Member Session on Sunday, Sept 28
Our next session will be Sunday, September 28, 11:45-2pm (lunch is provided), with a new member reception on Sunday, October 1. If you have any questions, or are interested in joining the session, contact the office: 608.783.2236 /
This weekend is your last chance to give a free furnace to those in need!
The La Crosse Area Synod wants to assist the Lennox corporation with their efforts to supply free furnaces to families in need. They supply the furnace, another company supplies the thermostat and local dealers install—all at no charge to the customer. But if they don’t know of someone who is deserving, they can’t help them!
Little LEAPs Meets This Sunday
Little LEAPs will meet only once in August. The group — for children from birth to 3 years old and their parents/guardians — will meet this month at 9:15 a.m. Aug. 31 in room 102 for an end-of-year celebration.
Dallas Holm Praise Concert, Friday Sept 5 in Winona
Praise concert with Dallas Holm, Friday, September 5th at 7pm at Living Light Church, 850 Highway 14 in Winona, MN. Free admission (a love offering will be taken).
Worship Training for Ushers, Communion Servers, Readers, and Projectionists THIS Sunday
Everyone who has helped and everyone interested in helping in any if these areas are to attend the training. Pastor Karyn and Kathryn will provide the training and answer any questions. August 24 between services...
Coffee With Karyn Starting New Book: Great Time to Join!
The small group Coffee with Pastor Karyn is beginning a new book: The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan. Pastor Karyn is looking forward to reading this book with everyone, which explores the deep and painful roots of the current conflict in the Holy Land.
Early Bird Pricing Ends Today for Color Run!
Early bird pricing ends TODAY for the Color Run. Register at
Message from Marla
With school fast approaching I have been extremely busy at the ACTS 20:35 - teen clothes closet. Many parents are struggling to fill back to school needs. If you can help with the follow items I will get them delivered....
PraiseHymn Needs YOUth!
PraiseHymn needs young singers and musicians of all types, ages 12–18! The group performs contemporary Christian music and Christian rock once per month as part of our contemporary worship service. Learn more at an organizational meeting here at First on Sunday, September 21 at 4pm. For more info contact Dick Daleki at 608.783.1576 or email:
School Supplies Needed for ACTS 20:35
During August and September the ACTS 20:35 Clothes Closet will to start collecting school supplies for high school kids visiting the clothes closet. Place donations in the ACTS 20:35 tote out in the narthex. Thanks!