Newsletter Article, -Email, Announcements Jason Stanton Newsletter Article, -Email, Announcements Jason Stanton


In the Old Testament covenant between God and the people, a rhythm of life was established. There would be rest on the seventh day. All living things were to follow the lead of God the Father, who rested on the seventh day of creation. Not only are humans and animals called by God to rest every seventh day, but fields are to lay fallow every seventh year. Jesus built on this understanding of Sabbath when, instead of robotically only taking the seventh day off, he sometimes ‘worked’ on the Sabbath as he healed those in need, but also sought out connection with God by leaving crowds for times of rest and prayer. Jesus clarified what Sabbath is for: “the Sabbath was made for humankind, not humankind for the Sabbath.” Jesus knows human beings can become human doings. God knows humans need time for renewal.

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-Email, Announcements, Serve & Give Andrew Stutesman -Email, Announcements, Serve & Give Andrew Stutesman

Thank Yous

We had another successful blood drive at First Lutheran on Monday, Nov. 2. We collected 39 units of whole blood and 4 double red donations. Up to 125 people in our community will benefit from your generous giving. Our next blood drive is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2016, from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m

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Newsletter Article, -Email, Sunday School Sunday School Superintendents Newsletter Article, -Email, Sunday School Sunday School Superintendents

Sunday School Update for December 2015

It is that time of year to enjoy traditions that the Christmas season brings. One of our Christmas traditions we are busy preparing for here at First Lutheran is our Sunday school Christmas Worship. It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to spread their Christmas joy!

Below are some of the details that will hopefully help clarify any questions you may have.
Please pay particular attention to the details for each age group on December 16!

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