Donate TODAY to Sembrando on #givingTuesday

Dear Members of First Lutheran,

Giving Tuesday has taken off over the past few years as a global day dedicated to giving back. TODAY, this Tues., December 1 people around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.

We invite you to join in the Giving Tuesday celebration of generosity by supporting Sembrando , the program of our companion synod in Peru which feeds and provides for children in their communities. 

Sembrando is a program for neighborhood children in most of the congregations of the Peruvian Lutheran church. They provide safety for children who are not in school while both parents are seeking work.  Sembrando includes a meal, tutoring/homework help—often provided by high school students who hope to be teachers, and religious and health education.

Donations can given to Sembrando in the following ways:

  • Mailed to the La Crosse Area Synod, earmarked for “Sembrando”
    La Crosse Area Synod, 2301 South Ave, La Crosse, WI 54601
  • On-Line (fill in the field for “Comp Synod Peru-Sembrando”)
Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

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