Lutheran World Relief School Kits
First is collecting school supplies for Lutheran World Relief school kits, which we will assemble as part of the ELCA’s God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday and First Fest on Sept. 8.
“Our goal is to assemble 500 kits before school starts.”
Bring donations to the altar before/after worship or during offering. For more information contact Bridget Crave.
Gifts of money are also appreciated, which will be used to offset the cost the backpacks (not pictured above, but also a part of the kit; First will place a special order for the backpacks to make certain they meet LWR’s specific requirements). Make the donation out to First Lutheran and write “LWR School Kits” in the memo.
We also have an Amazon wishlist that you can use as an option for purchasing these items. Increase your charitable giving by making your Amazon purchases using and designating First Lutheran Church. Click here to learn more about AmazonSmile.
Banner image by Feye Esperenza, from Iglesia Luterna de Nicaragua. In 2013 more than 54,700 students received LWR School Kits in Nicaragua.