Message from Pastor Karyn for May, 2023

St. Augustine once said, “Solvitur ambulando.”

Solvitur ambulando: “It is solved by walking.”

I am positive that Augustine didn’t know all the brain science behind why walking helps our body think better, but he knew there was something there. It is solved by walking. I wonder if that was behind some of the thinking the two disciples walking home had that day the women found the tomb empty. After everything that had happened in Jerusalem over the last few days, perhaps a walk home would be the best thing to do. Clear their heads, figure out what is next, get a chance to sleep in their own beds for a bit. It all sounds so lovely in the midst of impossible grief. Let’s go for a walk.

You, Me, Us:
Being Human Together

May 10, 17, 24, 7pm

To attend email

I love this story of Luke’s for so many reasons. I love that the disciple’s grief is on display, reminding us that even those who were close with Jesus grieved because they were ordinary human beings. I love that Jesus meets them where they are at and even though he chastises them for not believing, he still walks them through it one more time. I love that it is the ritual of breaking bread together that opens their eyes to who their companion is. I love that they are able to feel the Holy Spirit, even though she hasn’t technically been given yet. I love that their first thought is, we gotta go tell everyone what just happened. In this story we glimpse God’s steadfastness, Jesus’ love and a community honoring each other as they make their way through tragedy and grief. Solvitur ambulando. Solvitur civitas.

This way of being, set forth by Jesus, has challenged me for as long as I can remember, which is why, for the past 10 years or so, I have been studying human behavior. The last decade has been a deep dive into what makes us humans so human. That paired with a deep appreciation for scripture and the ways our ancestors have lived faithfully, has created in me a glimpse into how we can be beloved community.

I invite you to join me in my quest to be a better human by joining a 3 week workshop I am calling: You. Me. Us. Being Human Together. During these three weeks we will explore our personality, how we can strengthen our relationships, why values are important and how our family history impacts who we are. We will gather on May 10, 17 and 24 at 7pm. You can sign up by sending me an email at This is a workshop for any person in any kind of relationship, not just for those folks who are coupled. My hope is that this workshop is one way we can solvitur ambulando. Together.

Pastor Karyn

Karyn Bodenschatz
Associate Pastor

Announcements for Sunday, May 14, 2023


Announcements for Sunday, May 7, 2023