Announcements for Sunday, May 7, 2023

INSIDE: Blessing Grads • Stephen Ministry Info Mtg • Faith Alive! U: Awkward Conversations, with Rev. Libby Howe

Stephen Ministry is gearing back up to care for our members and is excited to announce a new class is forming. If you would like to find out more about this important caring ministry, join us for an informational meeting on May 7, 9:15am in the Mary Room.


Join us for worship!

Sunday, May 7:

  • 8am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.

  • 10:30am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.

Wednesday, May 10:

  • 6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.

Current Precautions

  • Masking: masks are welcome and not required, and encouraged for those recently exposed.

  • Social distancing: not required, but of course, we ask everyone to respect all who desire social distance.

  • Stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID or had a recent positive diagnosis.

For a full description of current precautions, visit

Blessing Graduates

First Lutheran will bless graduates in worship THIS Sunday, May 7, at all services. Join us for a special blessing to uplift this milestone. Graduates will receive more details about this service in the coming days.

4K Faith Building Block: The Keys

  • Sunday,  May 7: parents/guardians with children

  • Sunday, May 14: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship

Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am, sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. The session lasts for three weeks, and afterwards, the Faith Building Block is lifted up in worship.

Parent Share 

Join Carla Stanton, member of First, certified spiritual director and mom of three, in room 201 every Sunday morning at 9:15am. At Parent Share, we pray and talk about raising our children faithfully. Questions? Click here to contact Carla.

Stephen Ministry Info Meeting

Stephen Ministry is gearing back up to care for our members and is excited to announce a new class is forming. If you would like to find out more about this important caring ministry, join us for an informational meeting on May 7, 9:15am in the Mary Room.

Faith Alive! U: Embracing Awkward Conversations

Sunday, May 7, 11:45am, presented by Rev. Libby Howe. Some people live by the rule to never talk about politics or religion. When that happens important things go unsaid and unheard. We lose the opportunity to listen and understand others' experiences. We miss out on important learning that leads to deeper empathy and love for others. We also squander our responsibility to participate in the way decisions are made (the democratic process) that affect the lives of our communities and country. In this workshop, we will explore how to have conversations about things that matter—often those "hot topics" that people avoid. You will gain some clarity about how your faith informs both what you believe and how you choose to express those beliefs. You will learn some strategies for how to approach and navigate tough conversations in ways that strengthen connections instead of pushing others away. Lunch and childcare provided.

Monday Night Community Meals

For many years, Trinity Lutheran Church on the northside of La Crosse has hosted a meal on Monday nights. First Lutheran has agreed to help with this important community ministry, by preparing a meal, serving the food and cleaning up. We need people to plan and prepare the meal to feed 60-80 people, and folks to serve the meal (5-6pm) and help with cleanup. Meal prep can be done at your convenience. Many times people prepare the main course a week ahead, freeze it and reheat it. Food for the meal can be gotten at no charge from the Hunger Task Force in La Crosse. NEXT DATE: May 8. You can sign up at, or contact

Coffee with Pastor Karyn

Coffee with Pastor Karyn is open to all and meets at 6:30am each Wednesday in the narthex. See you there! Questions? Contact

You, Me, Us: Being Human Together

Pastor Karyn invites you to join in her quest to be a better human by joining a 3-week workshop she’s calling: You, Me, Us: Being Human Together. We will explore our personality, how we can strengthen our relationships, why values are important and how our family history impacts who we are. We will gather on May 10, 17 and 24 at 7pm. You can sign up by emailing Pastor Karyn at Not just for those who are coupled, this workshop is for any person, in any kind of relationship.

Drawing from the Well

This group is for women of First and the greater La Crosse area seeking to support one another in their spiritual growth. We gather to develop a deeper relationship with one another, meeting on the second Saturday of the month, 9:30–11am, in the narthex. NEXT: Saturday, May 13. Contact Bridget Crave for more info:


On Wednesday, May 17, the OWLs, a group for those 55+, will have their monthly potluck at noon in Fellowship Hall. Bring some of our favorite summer foods to share. For our program we will play a couple of our favorite games. Questions? Contact volunteer coordinator Brian Narveson at or 630.816.5917.

On Monday, May 22, the OWLs (our Older Wiser Lutherans at First, for anyone 55+) will fly to Vesterheim Museum in Decorah, IA. Meet at the church at 8:30am. We will stop on the way to Decorah for a quick break and have lunch at a local restaurant while we are there. Museum cost: $10; you pay for own lunch. If you would like to be part of this fantastic adventure, please let Brian Narveson ( or 630-816-5917) know by Sunday, May, 21.

Chicken-Q @ Trinity Lutheran

Thursday May 18, noon–6pm, at Trinity Lutheran, 1010 Sill St., La Crosse. Tickets: $12. Dinner includes charcoal chicken, baked beans, potato salad and a roll. Proceeds to benefit Trinity Lutheran ministries. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Parents’ Night Out

Bring your children for an evening of fun with the middle and high school youth groups’ fundraiser! WHERE: at First Lutheran, NEXT: Friday, May 19, FOR: Birth–12 are welcome (Birth–3 will be in the nursery, ages 4 and up in Fellowship Hall)

  • Registration from 4:45pm-5:30pm

  • Followed by dinner and activities till 8pm (parents can pick up early if needed)

COST: Monetary donations will assist the middle and high school students with 2023 Sugar Creek Bible Camp and potential mission trip. RSVP your child or sign up to volunteer at, by Wednesday, May 17.

May 21: One Worship & Congregational Meeting

The attendance of all members is requested at this congregational meeting on Sunday, May 21. On this day First Lutheran will have one worship service at 9am. Within that time of worship, we will call to order a congregational meeting that simply asks for all our voting members to support our welcome statement. After the meeting there will be a celebration of both the welcome statement, Sunday School and Confirmation.

Questions about the welcome statement? Pastor Karyn and Pastor Stanton will be sharing answers to a few of those questions every other week day, from now until the congregational meeting. Watch them on Facebook, YouTube and on our website at

Peer Ministry Commissioning

Our 2023 class of Peer Ministers will be blessed at 9am worship on Sunday, May 21. We want to celebrate all of their hard work this past year to become better ministers to their peers!

Communion Preparation

Looking for a way to share your gift of service at First? We have an opportunity for people to set up communion for first and second services on Sundays. Interested or have questions? Contact Pastor Karyn ( or Deb Dinger (; she’s here most Sunday’s at first service). Your help is greatly appreciated!

Easter Season Study: A Gospel of Hope

A Gospel of Hope, by Walter Brueggemann, encourages readers to embrace the audacity required to live out one’s faith. Join Pastor Stanton as he offers a 2–3 minute online reflection each weekday rooted in Walter Brueggemann's wisdom on topics ranging from anxiety and abundance to partisanship and the role of faith in public life. Easter is a week of weeks: seven weeks before Pentecost, and a perfect time to explore what it means to live a new life NOW. Find this study on our YouTube and Facebook channels, through the end of May.

Sugar Creek Summer Reg Now Open!

Summer camp registration at Sugar Creek is open, and campers are signing up! Spots for programs are filling up quickly, so make sure you don’t miss out. First Lutheran is happy to reimburse the $100 registration fee (contact the office)! Reg and more info online:

Grant Application Deadline

REMINDER: Grant applications from worthy organizations wishing to request funds from the First Lutheran Foundation are due by June 1st! More information about the Foundation Fund and the grant application, can be found on the First Lutheran website under the “Serve” tab, or at

Baptismal Preparation

The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, June 3, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office at 608.783.3326 by Sunday, May 28. Min. attendance required: 2 families. 

Nathan Olson's Senior Recital

Don't miss pianist Nathan Olson's senior recital at First Lutheran on Thursday, June 8 at 7pm. Join us for a night of inspiring classical works on piano and viola, followed by a reception. All are welcome!

Confirmation Camp… For Youth Going Into Grade 8

Our upcoming confirmation students get a chance to start their confirmation journey in the beautiful valley of Sugar Creek, the week of Sunday, June 11, through Friday, June16. We will learn in faith together while we do Bible study, horseback riding, hiking, swimming, campfires, and so much more! For youth going into 8th grade. Questions? Contact Pastor Karyn at

Donations for Rummage Sale to Support Alzheimer’s

OWLs member Sharon Zimmer and her husband, Chuck, have been married for almost 40 years. Chuck was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s at age 60, along with PPA dementia (same kind as Bruce Willis). Sharon has a huge goal of raising $5,000 for EndAlz and Alzheimer’s locally. To do so, she is having a rummage sale in mid-June and is asking for donations of all sorts: clothes, furniture, working appliances, toys, sports gear in good condition, etc. (Please no household paint, tires, cribs or outdated electronics that are costly to dispose of.) If you have something you would like to donate, she can be reached at 608.783.6757 / The money raised for Alzheimer’s will go to research and local education.

Vacation Bible School: Operation Restoration

Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer, Sunday, Aug. 13 through Thursday, Aug. 17, 2022. Invite your neighbors! For 4K through Grade 5 in the fall (3 year olds are welcome to attend in the nursery). Register at

Prostate Cancer Support

Navigating a prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment(s), and after-effects is tough and worthy of peer support. Recently, a non-medical First Lutheran member found himself on this path and would like to make himself available for e-mail, phone or in-person conversations with anyone interested in having a friendly ear to listen and provide mutual support. Email or call the church office who will provide a phone number. 

Keep Up with Changes: Update Your Contact Info

Make sure the office has your current contact info, including current address, mobile number(s), carrier info (for reminders by text), and email(s). Members can make these changes on their own at our online directory: Or you can send them to

Sunday School

  • Sunday, May 7

    • Sunday School

  • Sunday, May 14

    • Sunday School

Questions about Sunday School? Visit


  • Sunday:

    • Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Classes - Fireside Rm

  • Wednesday:

    • 5:30pm Confirmation Dinner - Fellowship Hall

    • 6:15pm Confirmation Class - Fireside Rm

    • 7pm Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups

Questions about Confirmation? Visit

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Message from Pastor Karyn for May, 2023


Notice Regarding Congregational Mtg: Sunday, May 21, 9am