Announcements for Sunday, Nov 24
INSIDE: Advent Around the Table • Thanksgiving Eve Ecumenical Worship & Choir
Advent is a season full of rich traditions for both home and church. We invite everyone to join us THIS Sunday, Nov. 24, at 9:15am in Fellowship Hall for our annual Advent Around the Table event. We will create advent crafts for our homes and learn more about this particular season, have great fellowship and grow in our faith as we kick off the Advent season.
Join us for worship!
Sunday, Nov. 24:
8am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
10:30am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 27:
6:15pm: Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve worship at First Lutheran, with our brothers and sisters in Christ from Onalaska United Methodist. Live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Parents’ Night Out
Bring your children for an evening of fun with the middle and high school youth groups’ fundraiser! WHERE: at First Lutheran, NEXT: THIS Friday, Nov. 22, FOR: Birth–12 are welcome (Birth–3 will be in the nursery, ages 4 and up in Fellowship Hall)
Registration from 4:45pm-5:30pm
Followed by dinner and activities until 8pm (parents can pick up early if needed)
COST: Monetary donations will assist the middle and high school students with their 2025 camp and trip expenses. RSVP your child or sign up to volunteer at, by Wednesday, Nov. 20.
High School Extra Event
The high school youth group’s “extra event” for November is a shopping trip to Rochester! Saturday, Nov. 23, 10am-4pm. Questions? Contact High School Events Director Megan Olson,
Advent Around the Table
Advent is a season full of rich traditions for both home and church. We invite everyone to join us THIS Sunday, Nov. 24, at 9:15am in Fellowship Hall for our annual Advent Around the Table event. We will create advent crafts for our homes and learn more about this particular season, have great fellowship and grow in our faith as we kick off the Advent season.
Connecting with the Gospel of Luke
Are you looking for a connection between scripture and everyday life? Or maybe a way to dig deeper into the gospel of Luke? If so, join Pastor Karyn on Nov. 25, from 6–7pm, for an overview of the gospel Luke… and starting on Dec. 2 at 7pm, a year-long journey through the lectionary (our schedule of readings). Both will meet in the narthex. Cost of the yearlong class is $20 for the devotional study book we will use. Sign up at
Reaching Out to Onalaska Runners
With our sign on Main Street, we can reach out to Onalaska… and have some fun doing it! Festival’s Thanksgiving Turkey Trot and the Y’s Jingle Bell 5-mile both run past First as racers make their way along Main Street. So let’s encourage the runners! Send a photo/video with a caption to by Tuesday, Nov. 26, so that they can see your smiles, cheers and inspiring messages. For full details, visit
Courageous Men’s Group
The Courageous Men’s Group are men of all ages who meet weekly on Wednesdays at 6am in the Fireside Room for a time of fellowship and study. Contact Jim Knutson or the church office for more info:
Newsletter Assembly
It’s a relaxing way to volunteer! Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 10am, to assemble the Dec./Jan. dual-newsletter. See you there!
Choir for Thanksgiving Eve Worship
On Wednesday, Nov. 27, First Lutheran members, along with our brothers and sisters in Christ from Onalaska United Methodist Church, will gather at 5pm to rehearse their song for the Thanksgiving Eve Ecumenical worship service. Open to all people ages 14 and up, no long-term commitment, no audition and no formal training required. Questions? Contact
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Worship
Everyone is invited to a special ecumenical worship service at First Lutheran on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 6:15pm, with our brother and sisters in Christ from Onalaska UMC.
Onalaska Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Organizers of the annual Onalaska Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the National Guard Armory expect to prepare and serve more than 1,600 meals on Nov. 28. The event brings together people in need, people unable to spend the holiday with family and friends, and people who are alone for the holiday. Dining is in-person, by carry-out or delivery. In-person dining and carry-outs are from 11am–2pm. Deliveries can be scheduled for 11am, noon or 1pm. To register for a delivery, visit Organizers also are looking for volunteers and monetary donations. Learn more at
Office Closures
The office will be closed at the following times in the coming months…
Closed Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28
Closed all day, Friday, Nov. 29
Closed at noon, Christmas Eve, Tuesday, Dec. 24
Closed Christmas day, Wednesday, Dec. 25
Closed at noon, New Year’s eve, Tuesday, Dec. 31
Closed New Years day, Monday, Jan. 1
Closed Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, Jan. 20
Faith Web Ideas for November
Here’s an idea for what you can do to strengthen the bond of your Faith Web this November: Exchange your favorite soup or pie recipe! Find even more ideas and caring conversation questions on a new handout available at the Faith Webs table in the narthex.
Those looking to connect with and support youth in their summer ministries can still do so! Learn more about Faith Webs at and by stopping at the Faith Webs table in the narthex. Thank you for entering into the shared goal of raising and supporting our kids! Together we are building community!
Friends of the Warming Center
The Warming Center provides shelter for the unhoused from November through April. There are many ways to serve, from taking a shift in the shelter to providing a meal. Learn more and sign up at
Bible Readers Deep Dive: Psalms
Join Pastor Stanton for an online study of the Psalms! Life consists of 1) seasons of well-being, 2) seasons of hurt and 3) moments of surprise when we are overwhelmed with the new gifts of God. The Psalms—more than any other part of the Bible—are able to accompany us through all the seasons and moments! Each weekday, Pastor Stanton posts a 5-10 minute deep dive into the Psalms. Find it at:, and
Skid Loader
Our pile of clean fill behind the house is finally to a manageable size. We could use a skid loader to help move the remaining small pile. If you or someone you know has a skid loader/Bobcat and is willing to give us 15 minutes of your time to help us finish off the pile, the church would greatly appreciate it! Reach out to our building and grounds manager, Dan, at or by calling the office at 608.783.2236.
All Church Lunch & Christmas Decorating!
After the second service on Sunday, Dec. 1, join us for lunch and to help decorate First to make it festive and twinkle for the upcoming Christmas season! This is a great Confirmation service opportunity, as well as a great event to share together as a Faith Web!
First Sunday High School Gathering
NEXT: Sunday, Dec. 1, 11:30am(ish), for games and crafts. Parents/guardians take turns providing the meal each month; serving and cleaning up. Sign up for just one of the months, and we'll be set for the year! Sign up at
High School Mission Trip Info Meeting
During the above First Sunday High School Gathering, while the youth are eating lunch, Pastor Stanton will host a short info meeting about the high school mission trip to North Carolina, July 25–Aug 3, 2025. This short meeting will be Sunday, Dec. 1, from 11:45am–noon. Parents/guardians are asked to attend.
A Time for Burning Revisited
Tuesday, Dec. 3, 7pm Central, Online. Join the Association of White Lutherans for Racial Justice for an online discussion and preview of a new documentary that revisits a classic film about a congregation wrestling with racial justice. Hear interviews with filmmaker Bill Jersey—60 years after he made his film, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, and others. The association seeks to connect people across the ELCA to share ideas from congregations, synods and regions, on making racial justice an active part of our Church. Learn more & register.
Sunshine Team
The Sunshine Team usually meets on the first Thursday of every month, but for December, team members are instead invited to help decorate the church for Christmas on Sunday, Dec. 1. The all-church lunch and decorating event begins with lunch at about 11:45 a.m., followed by decorating in the narthex and sanctuary. Questions? Contact Dan at
Middle School Movie Night
Middle schoolers are invited for a movie and popcorn night in the Fireside room on Friday, Dec. 6, at 7pm! You are welcome to bring pillows and blankets to get comfier if you would like! Please email the middle school event coordinator, Madalyn, ( for any questions and to RSVP for this event!
Baptismal Preparation
The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Dec. 7, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office at 608.783.3326 by Sunday, Dec. 1. Min. attendance required: 2 families.
Road to Bethlehem @ Sugar Creek
Begin your journey any time between 2–5pm on Saturday, Dec. 7. Journey through the Advent story by visiting live-action worship stations offering carols, scripture, prayer and the chance to visit a live nativity. Enjoy refreshments at the end! This is an outdoor event, so dress appropriately for the weather. There is no cost, but we invite you to consider an offering to benefit the ministry and mission of Sugar Creek Bible Camp. Non-perishable food items will be collected to benefit local food pantries. This is also a great service opportunity! Sugar Creek is looking for 6 congregations or families to adopt a post on the nativity trail, with 2–8 helpers for each station. You'll receive a script, props, costumes, a heat source and a few live animals! You provide the people and bring back great photos to share your adventure! Have old Christmas pageant costumes? Sugar Creek is seeking donations of gently used costumes for events like Road to Bethlehem. Interested? Contact Sugar Creek at 608.734.3113 /
OWLs Fly to Star of Wonder
The OWLs will kick off the Christmas season attending A Viterbo Christmas: Star Of Wonder, on Saturday, Dec. 7. Meet at church at 4:30pm; dinner will be at a local restaurant. Cost of the concert is $31 and dinner is on your own. RSVP to volunteer coordinator Brian: 630-816-5917 / The OWLs Christmas Party and Potluck will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 18, at noon in the narthex. Our gift exchange theme will be "angels;" it can be an ornament, a small figurine, a coat pin or anything angel-related. Max. value is $10. And wear your favorite Christmas sweater!
Monday Night Community Meals
For many years, Trinity Lutheran Church on the northside of La Crosse has hosted a meal on Monday nights. First Lutheran has agreed to help with this important community ministry, by preparing a meal, serving the food and cleaning up. We need people to plan and prepare the meal to feed 150-200 people, and folks to serve the meal (5-6pm) and help with cleanup. Meal prep can be done at your convenience. Many times people prepare the main course a week ahead, freeze it and reheat it. Food for the meal can be gotten at no charge from the Hunger Task Force in La Crosse. NEXT DATE: Dec. 9. Sign up at
ELCA Good Gifts
Wondering how to make a positive impact in the world right now? At you can choose from 50 charitable gifts to give in honor of friends and loved ones. Each of these gifts makes a real impact in the world, sharing the love of Christ — one goat, water well or school uniform at a time. Start your holiday shopping now and order free, customized cards for each gift you give.
Red Kettle Bell Ringing
The Salvation Army is in need of bell-ringers and relies on support from many groups in the community. Sign up at
Christmas Events Insert
The Christmas events insert that was included in the November newsletter can be downloaded at
Cookie Decorating
Everyone is invited to meet in the fellowship hall to decorate Christmas cookies Sunday, Dec. 15! The cookies will be handed out as gifts to the residents that we visit when the church goes caroling, and shared together after our Sunday School Christmas program (and they may even be snuck during the decorating!) There will be two shifts…
9:15–10:15am, for anyone high school age or older (and their Faith Webs!)
11:30am–noon, for anyone of any age, but especially for Sunday School and Confirmation students, their families and their Faith Webs who were busy rehearsing for the Christmas program between services!
Parents are asked to supervise and help their children decorate. See you there!
Christmas Caroling
Hop on a bus to take a short ride around Onalaska to visit and carol to those who would love some extra Christmas cheer! Sunday, Dec. 15: 4:30pm warm-up, 5pm caroling, 6pm return to church for potluck feast!
Christmas Flowers for the Sanctuary
If you would like to give a rose in honor or memory of loved ones to decorate for our Christmas Eve services, you may do so at Cost is $5 per rose. Order deadline is Sunday, Dec. 15.
The Christmas Giving Tree
Help make Christmas special for area kids and families by buying NEW items for them. We are again partnering with La Crosse County Human Services and Hope Restores, and have a list of people and items they or their social worker have requested. Make sure that tags are attached to the outside of the wrapped gift. If you purchase gift cards, please wrap them in a box. All gifts should be turned in to First Lutheran by Sunday, Dec. 15. Questions? Email
Sunday School Christmas Program & Worship
It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to share their Christmas joy! Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 6:15pm worship.
Blue Christmas
Saturday, Dec. 21, 6:15pm. Please join us at First Lutheran for an hour of worship including music, prayers, candlelight and reflection on what God is up to amidst our blue feelings around Christmas. The service will include time for a light meal and conversation beforehand, starting at 5:30pm.
Christmas at First
Christmas Eve worship times: 2pm (live streamed), 4pm, 6pm and 11pm. All will be candlelight and all will be with Holy Communion. Christmas Day worship time: 10am, with Holy Communion. There will be no evening worship that Wednesday.
Young Youth Dec Event!
Young Youth (1st-5th grade) are invited to a Winter Break Play Date in the Fellowship Hall on Monday, Dec. 30 from 1-2:30pm. Save the date! Questions? Connect with our Young Youth Events Director, Katie Pierre:
First Lutheran Ski Day @ Mt. La Crosse
First Lutheran hits the slopes! Join us for a day of skiing at Mt. La Crosse, Jan 5, 2pm–7pm. Questions? Connect with volunteer coordinator Michelle Logan.
Snow Birds
Are you heading out? Please let us know if you'll be spending the winter somewhere else. If we know your seasonal address, we can keep in touch by sending you the monthly newsletter. Call or email the office with your winter address: 608.783.2236,
Sugar Creek Youth Retreats 2024-25
Retreats are one of the best ways to build relationships among youth, adult leaders and the wider community. Sugar Creek retreats allow you to show up and be with your age group, knowing that you can enjoy all of the fun and activities. Save these dates for your calendar now! And NEW this season: One retreat is FREE for 2024 summer campers!
February 7–8: Your Kingdom Come High School Retreat (Grades 9-12)
March 7–8: As it is in Heaven Confirmation Retreat (Grades 6-10)
April 26: Daily Bread Elementary Retreat (Grades 1-5)
Snow Birds
Are you heading out? Please let us know if you'll be spending the winter somewhere else. If we know your seasonal address, we can keep in touch by sending you the monthly newsletter. Call or email the office with your winter address: 608.783.2236,
Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather
If bad weather ever makes you wonder whether your group is meeting, check our website, Facebook page, or email with your cell number and provider so that we can text you. The staff and leadership of First intend to ‘make the call’ by 5pm at the latest so everyone knows what to expect. Be safe this winter!
Stephen Ministry
If you know of someone who needs a caregiver, please speak with Pastor Karyn, or call the church office: 608.783.2236.
“Host a potluck to get to know neighbors better.”
Sunday School
Sunday, Nov. 24
9:15am Sunday School, Advent Around the Table - Fellowship Hall
Sunday, Dec. 1
9:15am Sunday School
More info and registration:
9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Class, Advent Around the Table - Fellowship Hall
No Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups
More info and registration: