Message from Pastor Stanton for Nov. 2022
Since First Lutheran’s Call Committee formed in May of 2021, we have been excited, disappointed, surprised and anxious to name just a few of the feelings we’ve processed together. It’s been a while since we’ve provided an update on our search for a Youth & Family minister, so I thought I’d share our current status. It is familiar territory for the Call Committee, at this point.
In January, I will celebrate 15 years since arriving at First Lutheran to serve as Pastor and our financial capacity has finally grown to a level where our Office of Ministry can include a third person. Having a full time, benefited Pastor serve our youth and families will provide expertise along with a true sense of call which hopefully translates into longevity and consistency within our ministries to young people and their families. Calling a third pastor will also allow for me and Pastor Karyn to attend more fully to adult ministries, caring ministries, visitation, teaching, online content and so much more.
“I want this candidate to see what God is up to among us.”
Over the last year and a half, the Synod Office has provided some solid candidates. Pastor Karyn and I have exhausted our own networks. And we have talked to anyone with interest. I have spoken to dozens of pastors about this call and the Call Committee has interviewed four of them. Three of them have had multiple interviews with us, but for a variety of reasons, the ‘fit’ has not been found.
Wise administrators have told me to ‘hire slow’, but this feels ridiculous! I’m kidding, of course, as I do not regret any part of how our Call Committee or the candidates themselves have faithfully served throughout this discernment. But we all wish our new pastor would be presented to us, through the power of the Holy Spirit sooner than later, which is why I’m asking you for your prayers.
Later this month, we have another second interview scheduled with a very strong candidate. This pastor is exceptionally qualified, with great passion for youth ministry and has a story that compliments both Pastor Karyn’s and my own. Like most vocations, the pastoral ‘labor force supply’ is far smaller than demand. So, this candidate has options for where they may land in their next call. Please pray with me that our Call Committee, pastors and staff provide a clear, faithful picture of what life in Onalaska is like and that our church is trying to grow in every way. I want this candidate to see what God is up to among us as we seek to offer wider welcome and deeper love inside our fellowship and beyond our walls. Pray with me that their time with us in November will provide an irresistible opportunity to answer God’s call to serve our church for years to come. Or, another way to pray this prayer is what I’ve been saying since May 2021, “Thy will be done…”
Thank you!