Announcements for Sun., Oct. 30
INSIDE: Confirmation Sunday, Trunk-or-Treat, All Saints worship on Tuesday
We give thanks for the gift of baptism and for these people, one with us in the body of Christ, who will publicly affirm their baptism this Sunday, Oct. 30.
Join us for worship!
Sunday, Oct. 30:
8am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
10:30am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Wednesday, Nov. 2:
6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Current Precautions
Masking: masks are welcome and not required, and encouraged for those recently exposed.
Social distancing: not required, but of course, we ask everyone to respect all who desire social distance.
Hand sanitizing: stations will be available at the entrance and near the welcome center.
Stay home if you have any symptoms of COVID or had a recent positive diagnosis.
For a full description of current precautions, visit
Wedding Blessings!
Wedding blessings are extended to Rachael Horne & Andrew Logue!
It is time to fill our parking lot with trunks full of treats for the neighborhood kids! We will host trick-or-treaters on All Hallow’s Eve (AKA Halloween), Oct. 31, from 4–7pm. You can come as you and your car are, or come dressed as someone/something else! You provide the candy, we will provide warm beverages. Sign up your trunk at
Hunger Task Force Needs Canned Food
The Hunger Task Force is greatly in need of canned food donations. Your items can be dropped off at the organization’s warehouse: 1240 Clinton St., 8am–3pm.
Hurricane Ian Relief
Hurricane Ian made landfall in Florida on Sept. 28 with near Category 5-strength winds, dumping record amounts of rain and causing catastrophic flooding. It then made another landfall in South Carolina, bringing hurricane-force winds and life-threatening storm surge. Ian, as predicted, is one of the worst hurricanes to hit the United States in decades. Along with our partners in the region, Lutheran Disaster Response is prepared to respond to Hurricane Ian with immediate relief, including water, clothing, gift cards, tarps and more. Your dollars are also hard at work in communities around the world through Lutheran Disaster Response, including responses to Hurricane Fiona, the drought in the Horn of Africa, the severe storm in Alaska, the war in Ukraine – to name a few. Long after the headlines change, Lutheran Disaster Response will continue to accompany communities on the journey of rebuilding their homes and lives. Together, we can help provide immediate and long-lasting support. Give today to support disaster survivors:
Cloud of Witnesses: All Saints Day
We honor our brothers and sisters in Christ who have gone before us during a special worship service at noon on All Saints Day, Tuesday, Nov. 1, both in-person and live streamed at
All Saints Day has long been a day when the church gives thanks for all the saints, the beloved, who have died, especially in the past year. In the coming weeks, we will be asking for photographs of your beloved dead so that we can be surrounded by their witness at All Saints worship. These pictures can be sent electronically (to or brought in. They will be printed as 4X6, so resolution should be such that they can be printed well from what you submitted. If your loved one was a member of our congregation and died this past year, you have received a letter with a special request. All Saints Day isn’t only about those who have died but also about those who have been newly baptized. If your child was baptized this past year, you also will receive a special request. Please note, we will continue to use the photos submitted last year, so no need to resend those photos.
Friends of the Warming Center
It's that time of year again. The Warming Center will open Nov. 1 for unhoused people, and the area ELCA churches have agreed to provide evening meals the 1st and 2nd Friday of each month, November–April. Prepare the meal in your kitchen and drop it off at the Warming Center ready to be served. Other people serve the meal, you just prepare it. You are welcome to use the Hunger Task Force for meal ingredients. More info and reg at
Preschool Now Enrolling for Nov. 1!
The First Lutheran Preschool has spots in its Mon/Wed/Fri class and the Tues/Thur class. For more info, email Preschool Director, Melissa Rolbiecki, at
Sing for Saints!
Do you like music? Do you enjoy singing, even if it’s in the shower? Do you appreciate the power of music in worship? Then put all of these things together and join the First Lutheran Senior Choir! First Lutheran is once again excited to offer the “festival choir” format for adding your vocal talents to worship! We know that the busy lives we all lead can limit the number of volunteer activities to which we are able to commit. The next event the choir will rehearse for is All Saints Sunday. Practice continues on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 7pm in the choir room. All are welcome … there is no audition and no formal training required, just a desire to enhance worship through the beauty of music! And the time commitment is just for the one performance (not the entire year). Full schedule and sign-up at If needed, child care will be made available (just indicate this need on the sign-up form). For more info contact Todd Saner at
'Living with Diabetes' Class
Gundersen Health System is offering a "Healthy Living with Diabetes" class for people who have diabetes, who are pre-diabetes and/or who are caregivers for people with diabetes. The class will be virtual, not in-person, and costs $30. It will be on Wednesday mornings, for six weeks, starting Nov. 2. To register, call 608-775-6870.
Sunshine Team
The Sunshine Team meets on the first Thursday of every month. Next meeting: Nov. 3, 9:30am. Various jobs: cleaning, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, washing windows and cleaning carpets. Help make First look nice! Refreshments are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! Questions? Contact Dan at
Fall back! (Daylight Saving Ends)
Daylight saving time ends at 2am, next Sunday, Nov. 6. Don’t forget to change your clocks! (Otherwise, you’ll just be early for church!)
Meal Train for Nancy Beguin
Members of First Lutheran have started a Meal Train page for Nancy Beguin, while she recovers from her stay in the hospital. What is Meal Train? When many friends provide support through a meal, Meal Train keeps everyone organized. Meal Train is a free meal calendar tool that makes planning meals among a wide group easy and less stressful. Sign up to help make a meal at
Election Day of Prayer
This year, on Nov. 8, in answer to the call to fear, love and trust God above all things, First is calling everyone to practice our faith and citizenship by praying together on Election Day.
First seeks to pray every hour for a Spirit-led election process. Go to to sign up for any given hour, but it is not expected that you would pray for the whole hour.
First will worship together, in-person and live streamed, at 6:15pm. This will be a short prayer service centered around a specific scripture and include some songs and a reflection, and will include Holden Evening Prayer.
Operation Christmas Child: Pack a Shoebox!
On Nov. 9, 7–8pm, our confirmands (and anyone else willing) will pack shoeboxes for boys, ages 10–14 (the group typically least purchased for). The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to children in need around the world! Each box is $20. A confirmation guide will be buying the supplies, organizing snacks, etc., and sending the shoe boxes. Our confirmation small groups just need 1) monetary donations and 2) anyone willing to help them pack the boxes. Donate at
Clothes Closet Update
Hello First Lutheran, can you help us? First Teen Clothes Closet has needs to fill:
Graphic t-shirts: all sizes
Athletic pants: XS, S, M, L
Athletic shorts: XS, S
Lounging pants/pj’s: XS, L
Hoodies: XL
Wallets & fun jewelry
Please be sure donations are gently used or new, clean, and teen styles. Thank you!
Butter Braid Delivery
Butter Braids will be delivered to the church on Nov. 14.
Connecting with the Gospel of Matthew
Are you looking for a connection between scripture and everyday life? Or maybe a way to dig deeper into the gospel of Matthew? If so, join Pastor Karyn for one or both of these opportunities: On Nov. 14 and 21, from 6-7pm, an overview of the gospel Matthew… and starting on Nov. 21 at 7pm, a year-long journey through the lectionary (our schedule of readings). Both will meet in the narthex. Cost of the yearlong class is $20 for the devotional study book we will use. Register online at
Upcoming Sugar Creek Bus Trips
Nov. 16: Fireside Dinner Theater, "White Christmas"
Sign up early! Spots fill quickly. Call for info: 608.734.3113.
2023 Synod Delegation to Peru
Planning is underway for an upcoming delegation to our companion church, Iglesia Luterana del Perú (the Lutheran Church of Peru) or IL-P, for the end of July through the first week of August, 2023. Deadline for application is Nov. 21, 2022. Application form and info at
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
The 12th annual Onalaska Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be on Thursday, Nov. 24, from 11am–2pm, at the National Guard Armory, 910 Oak Forest Drive. There will be in-person dining, carry-outs & deliveries. More than 1,600 meals will be served to people in need, those unable to spend time with family and those who are home alone. Delivery requests must be in before Nov. 21 and may be made online at, or call 608-667-0994. Available delivery times are 11am, noon and 1pm. Sign up to volunteer at
Snow Birds
Are you heading out? Please let us know if you'll be spending the winter somewhere else. If we know your seasonal address, we can keep in touch by sending you the monthly newsletter. Call or email the office with your winter address: 608.783.2236,
410 Prayers
Join Kathryn for a time of prayer, every Monday–Friday, at 4:10pm. Kathryn is posting prayers on both Facebook and Twitter.
Happy Birthday!!
If you have received a birthday postcard from First in the last several months and still have it, bring it into church Mon–Fri, 8am–4pm and pick up a small gift.
Help Those in Need
If you are looking for ways to help locally, go to the Ugetconnected site to find a variety of needs, from writing letters or drawing pictures to seniors, to delivering pre-packaged meals or sewing. It's hard to keep track of all the various organizations, so this is a great spot to find out how you can help. Go to
Sunday School
Sunday, Oct. 30
9:15am Sunday School
Sunday, Nov. 6
9:15am Sunday School
Questions about Sunday School? Visit
Preschool Faith Building Block: Praying Together
Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am (in Fellowship Hall), sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. Most sessions last for three weeks, and afterward, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Building Block they learned about.
Sunday, Oct. 30: parents/guardians with children
Sunday, Nov. 6: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship
Grade 1 Faith Building Block: Ten Commandments
Sunday, Nov. 6: parents/guardians only
Sundays, Nov. 13 & 20: parents/guardians with children
Sunday, Nov. 27: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship
9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Classes - Fireside Rm
1:30pm Gr 10 Affirmation of Baptism / Confirmation Worship
5:30pm Confirmation Dinner - Fellowship Hall
7:00pm Gr 8–9 Small Groups
Questions about Confirmation? Visit