I love watching our coffee hour, seeing people interacting with one another, talking, laughing, joking. There’s a table where one group always gathers, with the group members fluctuating throughout the year. We have others who float from table to table talking to almost everyone. We have some who sit quietly by themselves over in the couch area, and, of course, there are our coffee hosts going to each table filling coffee cups and enjoying getting to know those they serve. Our coffee hour is a wonderful time to talk to those you know and to get to know others you don’t know.

Our coffee hosts make this possible. They get the treats, coffee, and juice ready for all to enjoy. These coffee hosts have a ministry that is very valuable, for what better way to get to know one another than over coffee, juice and treats. This ministry is not only to serve others by filling coffee cups, but also to engage in conversations or to allow conversation to continue without interruption by having to get up and refill your coffee. Our coffee hosts create an atmosphere for connections with one another to be made and grown. When we connect with one another, relationships begin and we feel engaged in the community of our church. We could not begin to do this without our coffee hour time. As we connect, we start to see Jesus revealed in those we converse with over our coffee just as Jesus revealed himself many times to the disciples over meals. He broke bread and made himself known to two of his disciples, after he joined them on the road to Emmaus. Jesus ate with everyone, tax collectors, sinners, Pharisees, families, friends and the disciples. As we share our lives with one another, we will begin to see Jesus and allow him to move through us more and more.

As you join us for coffee hour, thank our coffee hosts for the ministry they provide for us to connect with one another. Invite those you know and those you just met to have coffee with you and begin to connect with one another. On each of the tables, we will provide a coffee connection trifold with helpful questions to begin conversations with one another. If you need more intimate conversations, look for the high table and chair area by the couches. A coffee cart by the welcome center will be available to fill coffee cups and add creamer. I hope everyone will enjoy the improvements along with the wonderful treats we have on Sunday, and a huge thank-you to the gracious coffee hosts who minister to us as we connect with one another.

Kathryn Pedretti
Director of Servant Ministries

Message From Pastor Karyn for September 2017


Clothes Closet Update for September 2017