First Lutheran Church

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OWLs' Post for June 2015

May got us off to good warm weather start with our trip to Winona on the trolley and a fun potluck showing old photographs and telling stories of summers past. A good time and great food was had by all.

We will kick off June with the potluck one week earlier than usual. Out potluck will be on Wednesday, June 10, at noon in the fellowship hall. Our speaker for the program will be Gerald (Jerry) Bonsack a well-known photographer and environmental engineer in our area. Jerry recently returned from a cruise to Alaska, where he used some exciting new photographic techniques to capture the glaciers and landscapes. If you are a photographer you will be interested in the techniques Jerry uses to capture the images in his program. If you are a travel enthusiast, you can just sit back and enjoy the view with Jerry’s interesting insights. We will meet in the fellowship hall so we can view the presentation on the large screen.

By popular request we will return to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin for our July outing. Many of you requested a return visit to tour the house. Among the most famous residences in the United States, Taliesin embodies Wright’s energy, technique and creative vision. The house stands as the longest on going project of Wright’s career. The house tour guides you through rooms that Wright imagined and built, exploring the rich canvas he worked on every day of his life. You’ll experience the landscaped grounds, furnishings, collected objects and, of course, the building itself. To give us time to sign up the trip is scheduled for Wednesday, July 1. The cost of the tour is $45 for seniors. We will leave the church at 8am on July 1. After arriving in Spring Green, we will have an early lunch at a local establishment before taking our tour at noon. Lunch is on your own. We should be back at the church by 4:30. Please let Brian Narveson know as soon as you can if you plan to attend. He can be contacted at or 608-526-9700. Once our tour is sold out, no additions will be possible. Brian will buy tickets as soon as you commit. You can pay him the day of the trip.

Just a reminder there will be no OWLs gathering in July. Our first event after June will be a potluck on Wednesday, August 5th. Please save the date.