Sunday School Update for January 2015

“Generously and extraordinarily blessed!”  

Those are the words that come to mind when we reflect on the 2014 Sunday school program.

Within the halls of our Sunday school, on any ordinary Sunday, your heart would be warmed to witness the examples of generous lives and extraordinary blessings we experienced in 2014…..

Over 200 kids regularly attended Sunday school with many parents, teachers, opening leaders, and helpers dedicating time and energy to building faith in our kids.

A note went out asking for lights so that we could have Christmas lights for the Christmas program. This was accomplished because families so generously donated Christmas lights and candles.

We have had members of the congregation step up and help lead when teachers
have been ill. We have had members step up and become a lead teacher when
teachers move.

What wonderful examples of generosity! As we head into 2015, we will continue
to give thanks for God’s generous love and for the continuous support, faith, presence and humbleness of so many who continuously support and gift our Sunday school program!

January Sunday School Calendar:

Sunday January 4th:

  • 1st Grade Faith Stepping Stone in Fellowship Hall 9:15-10:15

Sunday January 11th:

  • 1st Grade Faith Stepping Stone in Fellowship Hall 9:15-10:15

Sunday January 18th:

  • 1st Grade Faith Stepping Stone in worship
  • 2nd Grade Faith Stepping Stone in Fellowship Hall 9:15-10:15

Sunday January 25th

  • 2nd Grade Faith Stepping Stone in Fellowship Hall 9:15-10:15
  • Grades 3, 4, and 5 sing at 10:30 worship

Introducing First’s Director of Small Group Ministry


Young Youth Update for January 2015