Young Youth Update for October

Attention Young Youth!!!!

I hope you all had a wonderfully blessed summer and were able to jump into the school year refreshed and ready to start a great year. Remember that God is always present with you and will guide you as you proceed through this year. May you find freedom to express and be yourself with the young youth group. We have some new activities planned for this year along with some of our favorites such as movie night. I’m so excited to meet some new friends as well as hanging out with our friends that have been a part of the group from the past. It will be an amazing year blessed by God’s grace!

Our first big event will be the Rake N Run, taking place on Oct. 22nd from 4:30-7pm. We have done this service project in the past and it’s always a success and very rewarding. We go around to the neighboring houses around First Lutheran and rake their yards for them. Then we come back to the church to eat, do a devotional, and some kind of project with pumpkins. It’s such a remarkable night for all involved!

Upcoming events:

  • November—service project at the humane society
  • December—decorating cookies for the nursing homes
  • January—movie night
  • February—Sugar Creek Winter Fun Days

I hope you can make it to some or all of our events.
The more the merrier!

May God’s blessings be with you,

Katie Everson


Showing Hospitality


Middle School Mission Trip to Louisville KY, July 25–Aug 1, 2015!