OWLs Post for August

The OWL’s enjoyed a trip to the Circus in June. We visited Circus World in Baraboo, Wisconsin and were treated to a day of Big Top Performances, elephant rides (see picture), circus wagons and tours of the Ringling Bros. winter headquarters. A great deal of fun was had by all. The trip had the added adventure of the van breaking down just east of Tomah on the way home. You will have to talk with an OWL who made the trip for the whole story. At the June potluck we shared stories of our favorite circus adventures.

After taking July off the OWL’s will kick August off with a potluck on the first Wednesday, August 6th at noon. Note the change in date which is necessary due to Brian and Mary’s travel schedule in August. For the program Brian will talk about his photography hobby, with hints on how to take better photographs and showing some photos from last year’s trip to Teddy Roosevelt, Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks. In order to facilitate showing the photos we will meet in the fellowship hall on August 6th at noon. Hope to see everyone there.

Our outing in August will be our annual trip to Lanesboro to the Commonweal Theatre. After the beautiful drive through the root river valley we will be entertained by a rousing performance of Around the World in 80 Days. Inspired by the Jules Verne classic, this adventure has something for everyone: action, suspense, romance, raging typhoons, and elephants (yes, elephants!).
We will depart the church at 4:00 PM on Thursday, August 28th, arriving in Lanesboro in time for a dinner out (new restaurant this year), followed by the play at 7:30. Please let Brian Narveson (owls@firstlu.org or 608-526-9700) know by Monday, August 25th if you are planning on attending so tickets can be purchased in advance. It will be another great evening of dinner and theatre. Cost of the theatre is $30, possibly lower if we get more than 15 people. You do not need to pay Brian until we leave on the 28th. Dinner is on your own.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

High School Girls Retreat


Entertaining Angels