OWLs Post for October

September started the program year with a bang for the OWL’s. Several of us made the trip to Madison to visit the capital and Olbrich Gardens. It was little rainy but we had a great time viewing our wonderful Capital building and lunch at an authentic Irish Pub across the street of the capital. Photos are attached. Our potluck was well attended with great food and a fun team competition to answer bible and 50’s -60’s music /TV questions. Fun was had by all.

We will kick off October with a beautiful drive down the river to “Yesterday’s Youth” at Sugar Creek Bible Camp on Monday, October 6th. They have two programs scheduled in the morning, “Remembering the Battle of Midway” and “Building the Alaskan Highway” both presented by Dick Campbell. After a delicious lunch the program will be “Live Life Laughing” by Pastor Laura Gentry (Laughing Laura). Come enjoy the Fall splendors of the bluffs and valleys of Sugar Creek Bible Camp. We will leave the church at 8AM on Monday, Oct. 6 and will return by 4PM. Cost of the day including lunch is $10.

By popular demand our October potluck will feature Ron Nowland, who gave us a fantastic presentation on the Mississippi last February. On this visit Ron will present a program entitled “Michigan Lighthouses.” Ron is an excellent speaker and always entertaining. So Ron can use the projector we will meet in the fellowship hall downstairs. Don’t miss the fun, join us at noon in fellowship hall on Wednesday October 15th.

The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. For information or to ask questions, contact Brian Narveson at owls@firstlu.org.

Brian Narveson
Volunteer leader of the OWLs, a small group at First Lutheran for those 55+.

Showing Hospitality


Middle School Mission Trip to Louisville KY, July 25–Aug 1, 2015!