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OWLs Fly to La Crosse Storytelling Festival

Everyone likes a good story. Whether it’s a play, movie or book. But one of the best experiences is listening to a talented live storyteller. In the La Crosse area, we are blessed with the premier storytelling festival in the Midwest. The La Crosse Storytelling Festival in Myrick Park is the only storytelling festival in Wisconsin. Each fall, national and local tellers and musicians present a phenomenal two-day family event. For our September outing, we will attend the festival on Saturday, Sept. 9 for an outstanding program of story tellers and musicians. Cost of the event is $5 with $3 off if you have a library card. We will meet at the church at 10:30am on Saturday, September 9. Before attending the festival, we will have a delicious lunch at a local restaurant. Lunch is on your own. We will return to the church by 4 PM. Because the restaurants like a count beforehand, please let Brian Narveson (608.526.9700 or ) know if you plan to attend by Thursday night, September 7.

September 3

Focus Group Meetings

September 18

Grade 9 Confirmation Registration