2020 Faith Alive! U course, presented by spiritual director, Carla Stanton:
Spiritual growth takes time and calls each individual into a deeper understanding of self and others. The Enneagram is one way we can discover more about our inner self and the ways we respond to the world around us. In this introductory course spend time with Spiritual Director, Carla Stanton exploring which of the 9 types you might be and learn how each type responds in times of joy and times of stress. Take away a deeper knowledge of self and how you have been created to reflect unique aspects of God into God's creation.
Prior to this course each participant is asked to take a brief online assessment at 1stlu.org/assess.
This event is intended for confirmation students, high schoolers and all adults.
Meeting ID: 876 4004 2360
Passcode: 080265
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 876 4004 2360
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