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Awkward Holiday Conversations

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On Zoom
Thursday, Dec. 15 from 6:30 to 7:45pm

You’re all in the kitchen, catching up, nibbling in advance on the Thanksgiving meal when, whammo, one of your relatives makes a politically charged statement that you know not everyone in the room agrees with. The statement has the potential to sink the meal and cause rifts among family members. How do you respond?

The politics of our time have pulled Christians of all stripes into toxic, adversarial relationships. Instead of living as siblings in Christ, united in baptism, we have believed the lie that the only way to discuss politics to win the argument and demonize the other side. The alternative is to avoid it altogether, and sadly, many do. But both approaches are unfaithful and do nothing to create a more just world. Come to this workshop to practice having conversations in a way that reflects both the kindness and courage of Jesus.

Workshop led by Rev. Libby Howe, WCC’s Congregational Support Coordinator for Peace & Justice Ministries

December 10

Funeral for Maddie Payne

December 17

Bethlehem Event @ English