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Bible Readers Begin 1 Samuel

1 Samuel is the story of how God works on behalf of God’s people; giving barren, faithful Hannah a child… calling the child Samuel to be both priest and prophet and anointing Saul king… gifting Saul with the power of wisdom and the Spirit… guiding little David in victory over Goliath and protecting David from Saul’s rage to succeed Saul as king.

Pastor Stanton will be introducing this book to Bible Readers starting Thursday, Nov. 5. Join at any time!

These studies are for ANYone who can read, 3rd graders to our eldest friend; members and acquaintances far far away. Use whatever Bible you’d like! Follow Pastor Stanton’s daily guides on Facebook or YouTube, and if you’d like the daily video guides emailed to you contact Pastor Stanton at

Image by Mychailo Kazybrid from The Lion Kids Bible Comic &

October 26

Bible Readers Begin Judges

November 6

Visitation for Vernell Quall