We welcome all
We build community
We serve our neighbor

The season of Lent starts on
Ash Wednesday, March 5, and lasts until Palm Sunday, April 13.
Join us for Holden Evening Prayer every Wednesday at 6:15pm, with a light meal before at 5:30pm.

Lent Small Groups
This year First is offering
two options for devotions during Lent…
Journeying Through Lent with Luke, an excellent Christ-centered guide to the Gospel of Luke for daily, individual devotion and a weekly small group of your choice.
Coming Back to Life, offering Biblical texts and creation’s wonders to inspire practices you can try yourself, with your family or with your friends.
Grab your free Lent devotional kit at church.

Holy Week
at First Lutheran
Holy week is the week leading up to Easter Sunday on April 20, starting with Palm Sunday on April 13.
Check out all of our events during Holy Week on this page, and…
Join Us
for Easter Sunday
at 7am, 8:45am and 10:30am
The office will be closed at noon on Friday, April 18 and all day Monday, April 21

Bring your children for an evening of fun with this middle and high school youth group fundraiser!
Friday, Apr. 4, 4:45pm

First Teen Clothes Closet
Providing free, teen-appropriate clothing
for teenage youth in the area.
There's lots happening at First!
Check out upcoming events to see what's happening and how you can be involved. Explore the complete list of upcoming ministries and services. →