Local Scrip Cards
Help support our youth by using gift cards instead of cash!
A percentage of your shopping will go toward helping the youth be able to pay for their mission trips, camp trips, and other youth ministry events. It costs nothing to you—we just need you to change how you pay.
Local scrip cards currently available
Festival Foods
Kwik Trip
We offer scrip cards for several local business. The cards for these stores listed above are sold in the narthex after services, and from the church office during office hours (M–F 8am–4pm). Like RaiseRight (mentioned below), a percentage of your shopping with these cards will go toward helping the youth pay for their mission trips, camp trips, and other youth ministry events. NOTE: The fundraised amount is NOT 100% of the card value. The specific percentage earned by the youth varies from store to store, and ranges from 2.5–5%. But if you are purchasing gas, groceries and other weekly household items using these cards, that 2.5–5% can add up to a lot of fundraising over one year!
📌 NOTE: RaiseRight used to be know as “Shop with Scrip”
While you may not be able to get a physical gift card at church, many other vendors that you shop at every week or month offer a percent of fundraising if you purchase gift cards for them online.
The process is as follows…
Set-Up instructions
Click here to go to the "Join an existing program" on the RaiseRight site
Enter enrollment code: see our scrip table/Faith Web table in the narthex for the code, or contact the office at office@firstlu.org / 608.783.2236.
Create an account
Notes regarding RaiseRight
eGift cards for most businesses on RaiseRight can be used right away! You can either print them or use them from your phone with the RaiseRight app. There’s also a lot of businesses you can get refillable cards for (including the Kwik Trip, Walmart, and Target cards you purchase at church)! So once you have them you can refill them online—either using the website or the app. It's really easy!
“Pay your organization directly” is NOT an option First uses for payment.
Due to shipping expenses incurred by the church when physical gift cards are ordered, the church attempts to group as many cards into one delivery as possible. For this reason, physical gift cards that are ordered through RaiseRight may take several months to be delivered. If you need physical gift cards in a timely manner, we recommend NOT ordering them from RaiseRight.
Contact First Lutheran member and volunteer scrip coordinator Ann Nelson using the form below…