Baptism is a public sacrament when God claims His sons and daughters as His own. First Lutheran celebrates baptisms one Sunday per month. Once a Sunday has been claimed by one family, that Sunday becomes the 'baptism Sunday' for that month.
Parents who wish to bring their children for baptism or adults who wish to be baptized are required to attend a baptismal preparation session. Every other month (the even months—February, April, etc.) they usually are on the first Saturday at 10:00 am in the entry of the church. Please contact the church by phone at 608.783.2236 or email the office to register.
Please know that ALL are welcome to worship, commune and participate in all church activities, programs and events. Communion cards are not required to participate in Holy Communion, but they help us know who is worshiping with us. Please fill out a communion card and hand it to an usher just before communion, or place it in an offering plate. Thanks!
Communion Instruction
First Lutheran’s communion practice is that “Parents may choose to include their child(ren) in Holy Communion any time after baptism after receiving instruction from a called Pastor at First Lutheran.” If you are a family who would like to include your baptized child(ren) at the rail, simply contact Pastor Stanton or Pastor Karyn.
If you are interested in getting married at First, call the church office for details. In order to reserve a wedding date a deposit is required. Pre-marriage seminars are necessary for all couples married at First Lutheran. Call the church office for all details about weddings and to receive your wedding handbook. We'd love to help you get started! Call the church office at 783-2236 or contact the office.
If you are trying to plan your wedding at First, feel free to download a sample order of worship/bulletin for worship and a copy of our wedding handbook.
Contact the office to schedule: 608.783.2236 /