Sunshine Boys Meet Again on Friday, at 9am
Forget to join the Sunshine Boys today at 9am? Don't worry—you have another chance tomorrow, Friday, at the same time! And if you did remember, and can come again! If we aren't mistaken, Mike needs help trimming shrubs, and many hands make quick work!
Worship Training for Ushers, Communion Servers, Readers, and Projectionists THIS Sunday
Everyone who has helped and everyone interested in helping in any if these areas are to attend the training. Pastor Karyn and Kathryn will provide the training and answer any questions. August 24 between services...
Message from Marla
With school fast approaching I have been extremely busy at the ACTS 20:35 - teen clothes closet. Many parents are struggling to fill back to school needs. If you can help with the follow items I will get them delivered....
PraiseHymn Needs YOUth!
PraiseHymn needs young singers and musicians of all types, ages 12–18! The group performs contemporary Christian music and Christian rock once per month as part of our contemporary worship service. Learn more at an organizational meeting here at First on Sunday, September 21 at 4pm. For more info contact Dick Daleki at 608.783.1576 or email:
School Supplies Needed for ACTS 20:35
During August and September the ACTS 20:35 Clothes Closet will to start collecting school supplies for high school kids visiting the clothes closet. Place donations in the ACTS 20:35 tote out in the narthex. Thanks!
Volunteer to Acolyte in August!
The church is looking for volunteer acolytes for July and August. If you’re interested in assisting with worship as an acolyte for a Sunday or Wednesday service, send email to Pastor Karyn,, or call the church office, 783-2236.
Garden Spring Prep This Saturday!
Plan on joining in on our spring prep work day on Saturday May 31st at 11:00am. See you there!
The Sunshine Boys Now Have Options!
Beginning in April the Sunshine Boys will have the opportunity to come to First Lutheran on the first Thursday and/or Friday each month to help with outdoor or indoor projects.
Middle School Events
Calling all Middle School Parents. We have an eager group of middle schoolers just waiting for a fun spring event. Please consider planning an something special for this group: bike trip, hotel swimming party, bowling?????