Life at Brick Making Pace…
The wall of bricks during Lent is a visual symbol of the nebulous walls that we create when we stop connecting with God and with one another… when we start turning ourselves inward. Walter Brueggemann, author of our Lenten study Sabbath as Resistance, talks about living in a world at "brick making speed" when we are always producing and always in this productivity mode and we don't take time to rest, which prevents us from being the neighbors that God calls us to be. So the wall was built up as a visual representation of what it looks like when walls begin to prevent us from doing the things we would normally do… such as worship in a regular way.
Clothes Closet Update for March 2017
Seasons are changing, and the First Teen Clothes Closet is preparing for spring. Prom season is around the corner, and we would love to have more dresses, jewelry and shoes to offer our guests. Other needed items include athletic shorts for guys and girls, and soon we will need girls’ swimsuits.
2016 Countdown
A few numbers our congregation should feel good about:
- 215: Guests served at the First Teen Clothes Closet and through partnerships with other agencies
- 12: Communities from which guests came, including as far away at Coon Valley, Blair and Sparta
- 481: Pants, skirts and shorts distributed
- 444: Shirts, sweaters and hoodies handed out
- 60: Jackets and coats given to those in need
- 130: Pairs of shoes
Resource Center
We have a new book in the resource center that many of you may find valuable, Cancer—Now What? by Dr. Kenneth Haugk the founder of the Stephen Ministry Program. First Lutheran congregation member and Stephen Minister Randy Nedrelo recommends the book.
LAST DAY to sign up for ski day at Mt. LaCrosse!
Today is the LAST DAY to sign up for our group ski day at Mt. LaCrosse! Contact Tina with any questions!