Newsletter Article, Passing On Faith, -Email Carla Stanton Newsletter Article, Passing On Faith, -Email Carla Stanton

Passing On Faith for October

Welcome to the year of service and fellowship at First Lutheran! I am very excited about this emphasis. Many of you have found great joy and growth in the past years with emphasis on Biblical literacy, stewardship and prayer. But this year is where we get to get our hands dirty and stretch beyond our walls to connect with one another and with those in our community. This is going to be an active year and a year where we will have constant tangible signs of God at work among us....

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article, -Email Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article, -Email Kathryn Pedretti

Showing Hospitality

I have a wonderful friend who opens her house up to our small group almost every Thursday. We knock, letting ourselves in, making her dog bark, and piling our shoes in the entry way. On really, really cold nights, like last winter, she has her husband start a fire for us, so we would have a toasty warm room to have our Bible study in. My friend has the gift of hospitality and it shows every time we meet at her house. Another friend also has the gift of hospitality in church. While she ushers, she greets everyone and talks to as many people as she can. Most of the time she isn’t standing by her door giving out announcement pages, but standing out in the narthex, making sure everyone is greeted and welcomed to church. She can talk to complete strangers as though they are like family or long lost friends. What a wonderful gift of hospitality my friends have.

These are just two examples of hospitality that show how we as Christians should act toward others. Each one of us has the gift of hospitality, only some more than others. Everyone can welcome someone they don’t know during giving of the peace, or just saying “I’m glad your worshiping with us today.” One area our church needs to work on is hospitality and it is up to everyone to do it, not just a few out in the narthex or by a door....

Photo credit: octaviolopez on morguefile

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Newsletter Article, Young Youth, -Email Beth Miller Newsletter Article, Young Youth, -Email Beth Miller

Young Youth Update for October

Our first big event will be the Rake N Run, taking place on Oct. 22nd from 4:30-7pm. We have done this service project in the past and it’s always a success and very rewarding. We go around to the neighboring houses around First Lutheran and rake their yards for them. Then we come back to the church to eat, do a devotional, and some kind of project with pumpkins. It’s such a remarkable night for all involved!

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OWLs, Newsletter Article, -Email Brian Narveson OWLs, Newsletter Article, -Email Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for October

September started the program year with a bang for the OWL’s. Several of us made the trip to Madison to visit the capital and Olbrich Gardens. It was little rainy but we had a great time viewing our wonderful Capital building and lunch at an authentic Irish Pub across the street of the capital. Photos are attached. Our potluck was well attended with great food and a fun team competition to answer bible and 50’s -60’s music /TV questions. Fun was had by all.

We will kick off October with a beautiful drive down the river to “Yesterday’s Youth” at Sugar Creek Bible Camp on Monday, October 6th....

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