Newsletter Article Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article Andrew Stutesman

Live Stream Update for October 2020

Our peak views for the month of August totaled 770; which is up slightly from June (728) and down slightly from July (813). The summer peak views, in general, have proven to be lower than the spring months (both were over 1,000), but as this is all new and is compounded by pandemic closures, it is hard to say what is lower or higher than average.

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Newsletter Article Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article Andrew Stutesman

Live Stream Update for May 2020

So first, the how-to: A good starting point is our website. The easiest way to find our live streaming page is to go to On this page you’ll find several things, but the main thing is this: you can actually watch the live stream right there, on our site. No need to have an account on another social media platform, the live stream is right there for you to watch. But part of worship is the social aspect of it, so if you do have an account on Facebook or YouTube, you might want to watch there, as you can chat with other members who are watching.

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