Faith Web Ideas for November

Click on the image above to download and print the October handout.

Ideas for November

  • Pray for one another.

  • Sit together at worship.

  • Attend All Saints Worship together (both Wednesday, Nov. 1, 6:15pm and Sunday, Nov. 5, 8am & 10:30am).

  • Attend the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve worship together at Onalaska United Method, Wednesday, Nov. 22, 6:30pm.

  • Send a card to your faith web saying “Thank you for supporting me!”

  • Exchange your favorite soup or pie recipe.

  • Pick a tag from the giving tree and work together to find a gift for a local child/family.

Caring Conversation Questions…

  • What’s your favorite thanksgiving food?

  • Have you ever had a nick name?

  • What is a skill you have always wanted to learn?

It isn’t too late to join a Faith Web!

65 spots remain unfilled! Learn more between services on Sunday and after worship on Wednesdays at the Faith Webs table in narthex.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Message from Pastor Stanton for Nov 2023


Good News for November 2023