Faith Web Ideas for January

Click on the image above to download and print the January handout.

Ideas for January

  • Pray for one another.

  • Sit together at worship or at coffee hour.

  • Send high school students good luck cards for finals week.

  • Make a pot of your favorite soup and share it with your faith web.

  • Attend winter fun days at Sugar Creek together.

  • Volunteer together; one idea… make a meal together for the 3rd or 4th Friday at the Warming Center.

  • Meet for coffee/hot chocolate at your favorite coffee shop or bookstore.

Caring Conversation Questions…

  • What was your favorite memory from Christmas break?

  • What is one New Year goal you are making in 2024?

  • The answer: Hot chocolate. The question: whipped cream or marshmallows?

  • Would you rather it snow every day in January or no snow at all?

It isn’t too late to join a Faith Web!

65 spots remain unfilled! Learn more between services on Sunday and after worship on Wednesdays at the Faith Webs table in narthex.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Announcements for Sunday, Jan 7 2024


Announcements for Sunday, Dec 31 2023