Faith Web Ideas for March
Click on the image above to download and print the March handout.
Ideas for March
Pray for one another.
Talk about how your week is going between services
Sit together at worship. Consider doing so at Ash Wednesday worship on Mar. 5 at 6:15pm, and for Holden Evening Prayer each Wednesday throughout Lent.
Attend the sports event or spring concert for the child you are supporting.
Meet up to go for a walk together or to share a meal.
Attend together…
Faith Web Game Day! Sunday, Mar. 2, 11:45am in Fellowship Hall
Lenten suppers each Wednesday before worship, 5:30pm in Fellowship Hall
John McHugh’s lent series at Franciscan Spirituality Center. More info
Caring Conversation Questions…
Do you have a favorite spring flower?
Do you prefer spring or fall?
Have you ever had a lemonade stand?