Reaching Out to Onalaska Runners

Members of First Lutheran: with our sign on Main Street, we have the opportunity to reach out to Onalaska in a way that we have not in the past.… and there is no reason why we can’t have some fun while doing so! Two opportunities are coming up: Festival’s Thanksgiving Turkey Trot, and the Y’s Jingle Bell 5-mile race… both go by First Lutheran as racers run down Main Street.

The thought is simply this: let’s encourage the runners! Send a photo/video with a caption to by Tuesday, Nov. 21, so that they can see your smiles, cheers and inspiring messages.

Some Guidelines…

  • Photos or videos should be vertical (because our sign is vertical)

  • Motion in videos should be subtle (smiles, hand waves), in order to comply with city ordinances regarding electronic signs.

  • Keep in mind, the sign has no audio, so…

  • In addition to your photo/video, include a short message you would like displayed after your photo/video; about 5 words or so (anything more becomes hard to read), and the shorter the words the better.

  • The chances of a message displaying as a certain runner runs by are minimal, so keep the encouragement/humor general rather than personal.

Thanks for helping to reach out to our community!

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Announcements for Sunday, Nov 26 2023


Announcements for Sunday, Nov 19 2023