COVID Precautions: Aug. 13, 2021

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The delta variant of COVID-19 has moved our county into a "very high risk" level for those who are not eligible for the vaccine or have chosen to remain unvaccinated. Knowing our church has many kids under 12 and aware of a number of unvaccinated adults who worship with us, I felt compelled to reconvene First Lutheran's COVID Advisory Panel as we seek to remain safe while providing spiritual care to our members and friends.  

In an effort to protect kids who aren't yet eligible for the vaccine, along with those who have chosen to remain unvaccinated, AND to do everything we can to not add to the burden of our health care workers, the panel unanimously agreed that First Lutheran will again require face coverings for worship this Sunday, August 15. 

We will continue to monitor the responses of area school districts, businesses and other institutions responsible for the safety of crowds knowing that although their policies may inform our own, what we do as a church is indeed unique. We host an intergenerational cross-section of society for 60 minutes at a time while singing, which is not the best for any group of people trying to navigate a pandemic.    

Please keep First Lutheran and its leaders in your prayers: specifically that this return to masks would unite us in our efforts to keep each other safe. Blessed be the tie that binds: Jesus.  

Keep Faith Alive!  

Pastor Jason Stanton

Precautions for In-Person Worship

Having everyone (including those who are already vaccinated) follow these precautions will help us to continue offering in-person worship…

  • Stay home if you or anyone in your household have any symptoms of COVID, had a recent positive diagnosis or have recently been in contact with a known exposure.

  • For the safety of ALL members, we ask EVERYONE to mask, covering both nose and mouth, while indoors. Masks are not required for outdoor worship.

  • Social distancing; ribbons in the sanctuary are used to help provide a safe distance of 6’ between households.

  • Hand sanitizing stations will be available at the entrance.

  • No fellowship hour.

  • Surfaces are disinfected after each service.

If for any reason you do not feel comfortable with the above precautions, know that you are still invited to join us for worship at! We will be live streaming all indoor services.

Not Required

  • Registration is currently not required.

Make Worship Happen!

Worship assistants make these worship services happen! Assisting once a month will keep Faith Alive! Sign up at

Small Group Precautions

First Lutheran small groups may gather in-person with precautions:

  1. Regarding masks, First leaves it up to the members of small groups to talk amongst themselves regarding their comfort level of being unmasked.

  2. There are no group size precautions.

  3. There are no food restrictions.

Small group leaders should do the following:

  1. Connect with Bridget Crave for details.

  2. Connect with Tamara Schonsberg regarding room usage.

  3. Connect with Andy Stutesman regarding promotions.

All Staff Are Fully Vaccinated

As of May 13, 2021, all office staff at First Lutheran are fully vaccinated. Following CDC guidelines, staff now have the option to not wear masks when working in the church on their own or with other staff, but are willing to wear a mask if asked to do so, and will continue to wear a mask in group settings where not all are vaccinated, such as worship and small groups.


Announcements for Sunday, Aug. 22 2021


Announcements for Sunday, Aug. 8 2021