Announcements for Thank You Sunday, Mar 3 2024
INSIDE: Thank You Sunday • Faith Webs March Meet-up THIS Sunday
THANK YOU for being a part of our Faith Webs! Please join us THIS Sunday, Mar. 3, for our second Faith Web all-church gathering. Plan to attend worship with your faith web families that Sunday and stay for treats and games between the services. Questions about Faith Webs? Stop by the Faith Webs table in the narthex after worship!
Join us for worship!
Thank You Sunday, Mar. 3:
8am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
10:30am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Wednesday, Mar. 6:
6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Pre-Gathering Gathering
For youth and chaperones going to the ELCA Gathering: We will meet again Mar. 3 at First from 6–7:30pm. Participants are welcome to come at 5:30 for a pizza feast beforehand. During our time together in March we will unveil our extra New Orleans activity—as voted on by our kids—as well as construct the final pieces of our covenant before moving ahead with small group activities, games and more. Departure/arrival times, final costs and other details are firming up. And please know that if you are in a Faith Web, your family is responsible for at least the first $300—which can still be fundraised through scrip cards, the Pancake Breakfast on Palm Sunday and by selling Chicken Q tickets. Your $300 is due June 1.
Second Home
A space for adults and youth to hang out, outside their homes. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays… Adults: 1-3pm, Youth: 3-5pm, at the First Lutheran house. Questions? Connect with volunteer coordinator Jodi Visker.
Coffee with Pastor Karyn
Coffee with Pastor Karyn is open to all and meets at 6:30am each Wednesday in the narthex. See you there! Questions? Contact
Holden Evening Prayer
Join us for Holden Evening Prayer during our Lent worship, on Wednesdays at 6:15pm. There is a light supper beforehand at 5:30pm, in Fellowship Hall.
Sunshine Team
The Sunshine Team meets on the first Thursday of every month. Next meeting: Mar. 7, 9:30am. Various jobs: cleaning, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, washing windows and cleaning carpets. Help make First look nice! Refreshments are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! Questions? Contact Dan at
Winona Avenue Concert
March 10, 6pm, at the Westby Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $10, with proceeds supporting travel to the Youth Gathering. Sponsored by Westby Coon Prairie & Immanuel Lutheran. Check out Music.
FLY Flight Crew
"FLY" is the name our kids have chosen for their "First Lutheran Youth" group. And FLY "Flight Crew" is the name our adults have chosen to describe how we plan to move forward with Faith Formation at First. Much like a sports, show choir or band booster club meets to dream about how to support our kids in their activities (and then shows up to actually support the activities) we want parents to do the same as we shape the faith formation of our kids. Meeting the second Wednesday of the month; NEXT: Mar. 13, 5:30pm. Food and child care provided.
Sing on Palm Sunday!
The next choir performance will be for Palm Sunday, and rehearsals start up fresh on Wednesday, Mar. 13, at 7pm in the sanctuary. Open to all people ages 12 and older. No audition and no formal training required, just a desire to enhance worship through the beauty of music! Full schedule and sign up at For more info, contact Todd Saner at
Preschool Open House
Join us for our open house on Thursday, Mar. 14, from 4:30-5:30pm. Come meet the teachers, see the classrooms, get class options and registration info for the 2023-24 school year. We accept children ages 2 and older who are potty trained. Registration is Monday, Mar. 18, from 9:30am–noon for church members, and 10:30am–noon for the community. To register, stop into the First Lutheran Preschool during the registration times above, or call the preschool at 608.779.4504.
Graduation Milestone & Recognition Dinner
Graduates: You and your parents/guardians are cordially invited to mark the milestone of your graduation at First Lutheran’s High School Graduation Recognition Dinner on Sunday, March 17, from 6–8pm at the church. Let us take this opportunity to honor you and your accomplishments as you prepare to become a 2024 graduate. RSVP to the church office by March 6: / 608.783.2236.
Parents’ Night Out
Bring your children for an evening of fun with the middle and high school youth groups’ fundraiser! WHERE: at First Lutheran, NEXT: Friday, Mar. 22, FOR: Birth–12 are welcome (Birth–3 will be in the nursery, ages 4 and up in Fellowship Hall)
Registration from 4:45pm-5:30pm
Followed by dinner and activities till 8pm (parents can pick up early if needed)
COST: Monetary donations will assist the middle and high school students with 2023 Sugar Creek Bible Camp and potential mission trip. RSVP your child or sign up to volunteer at, by Wednesday, Mar. 20.
The #NoPlasticsforLent initiative, led by Young Adults across the church, calls us to:
Prayer for creation
Lament the ways we have been complicit in the degradation of the earth
Care for our neighbor in fasting from the things that are hurting our planet
Develop a commitment to practice during this 40 days that turns your attention towards caring for creation. This could be fasting from single-use plastics, eating locally, using eco-friendly cleaning supplies, shopping at farmers markets, etc. Commit to sustainability practices that make sense for you and are possible for you in your context or community. Want to take a deeper dive? Consider joining a small group online for Lent. Weekly videos will be uploaded to ELCA Young Adults on Youtube at at the #NP4L website with discussion questions for use individually or in a group setting. Join a #NoPlasticsforLent Online Small Group for Lent
Easter Flowers
Your gift of $15 to the Easter Fund will be used to purchase flowers to beautify the sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Remaining contributions go toward purchasing new paraments. Please make your gift by Sunday, Mar. 24. Gifts can be placed at, or use the form in the announcements page and turn into the office.
Sugar Creek Events
March 30 – Easter Egg Hunt & Brunch
April 8 – Yesterday’s Youth
April 8-10 – Recently Retired Retreat (Online Registration)
April 20 – Elementary School Youth Retreat
April 30 – Peer Ministry, Plan-it
May 4 – Volunteer Work Weekend
To register for the above events, contact the camp at 608.734.3113 /
Faith Story Dinner Theater
On Holy Saturday, between the solemness of Good Friday and the good news of Easter Sunday, join us for a Holy Week edition of Faith Story Dinner Theatre, as we read and share some of the Bible stories that God has given us. WHEN: Saturday, Mar. 30, 5:30pm. Reserve your seat at by Wednesday, Mar. 27.
Holy Week Schedule
Holy week is the week leading up to Easter Sunday on March 31, starting with Palm Sunday on March 24. Join us for worship every day of Holy Week…
Palm Sunday, Mar. 24, worship at 8:00am & 10:30am.
Palm Sunday breakfast in Fellowship Hall.
No Sunday School nor Confirmation classes.
Monday, Mar. 25, worship at 6:15pm.
Tuesday, Mar. 26, worship at 6:15pm.
Wednesday, Mar. 27, worship at 6:15pm.
Gr. 5 Faith Building Block, bread baking, 4pm.
Maundy Thursday, Mar. 28, worship at 12:15pm & 6:15pm.
Gr. 5 Faith Building Block lifted up at 6:15pm worship.
Good Friday, Mar. 29, worship at 12:15pm & 6:15pm.
Faith Story Dinner Theater, Mar. 30, at 5:30pm. Reserve your seat at
Easter Sunday, Mar. 31, worship at 7am, 8:45am, and 10:30am.
No Sunday School nor Confirmation on Easter Sunday.
The office will be closed at noon on Friday, Mar. 29, and all day Monday, Apr. 1.
Mabel Anderson Scholarship
The Mabel Anderson scholarship application is now available online at Completed applications are due on Monday, Apr. 1. Students may apply if they will graduate from high school in the spring and have plans to pursue post-secondary education. The application includes writing an essay and completing a worksheet that reflects the student’s involvement in church activities. Contact the office with any questions: / 608.783.2236.
Volunteer Work Weekend @ First
Who says the Sunshine Team has to have all the fun! Everyone is invited to help with spring cleaning at First Lutheran on Saturday, Apr. 6, at 9am. Great opportunity for youth needing volunteer hours! Great opportunity for all to make First look nice! Refreshments are supplied to replenish your reserves!
Baptismal Preparation
The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Apr. 6, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office at 608.783.3326 by Sunday, Mar. 31. Min. attendance required: 2 families.
New-Member Social
By choosing to become a member, individuals and families commit to being part of a shared mission. People who would like to become members of First Lutheran are invited to a social at David Reay’s on Thursday, Apr. 18, 6pm, where you will get to know more about First and the staff in a relaxed atmosphere. To register your family or ask questions, call our church office at 608.783.2236 or email
Sugar Creek Summer Reg Now Open
Sugar Creek Bible Camp offers 17 unique and powerful summer camp programs, plus retreat ministries for youth in elementary school, middle school and high school – and adults and families! The camp is located on 660 acres in the bluffs and valleys of southwestern Wisconsin. Come learn, relax, encounter Christ and have fun at Sugar Creek Bible Camp! Explore for more information about next summer.
Prostate Cancer Support
Navigating a prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment(s), and after-effects is tough and worthy of peer support. Recently, a non-medical First Lutheran member found himself on this path and would like to make himself available for e-mail, phone or in-person conversations with anyone interested in having a friendly ear to listen and provide mutual support. Email or call the church office who will provide a phone number.
HELP ministry
The Health Equipment Lending Program (HELP) is a ministry offered by Holmen Lutheran Church. People can borrow health-care equipment, ranging from crutches, walkers and wheelchairs to commodes and shower chairs. Also available are items to keep, such as transfer belts, braces and disposable briefs. For more information, contact Mary Nicolai at 608-498-0439 (text or leave a voicemail).
Sunday School
Sunday, Mar. 3
Sunday School
Sunday, Mar. 10
Sunday School
More info and online registration:
Grade 5 Faith Building Block: Communion
Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am (in Fellowship Hall), sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. Most sessions last for three weeks, and afterward, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Building Block they learned about.
Sundays, Mar. 3 & 10: parents/guardians with child
Wednesday, Mar. 27, 4-5pm: child only, baking communion bread in Fellowship Hall kitchen
Thursday, Mar. 28: Faith Building Block lifted up during the evening Maundy Thursday worship service
9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Classes - Fireside Rm
5:30pm Lent Dinner - Fellowship Hall
7:00pm Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups
More info and online registration: