Announcements for Sunday, Oct 27
INSIDE: Fall Festival this Saturday • Faith Webs Meetup • Confirmation Sunday • All Saints Day
THIS Saturday, Oct. 26, 2–4pm, join us here at First for an afternoon of fall activities and trunk-or-treating! Sign up to help prep and with activities at the event at
Join us for worship!
Sunday, Oct. 27:
8am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
10:30am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Wednesday, Oct. 30:
6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
All Saints Day, Friday, Nov. 1:
12:15pm: live stream at, and in-person.
Fall Festival
THIS Saturday, Oct. 26, 2–4pm, join us here at First for an afternoon of fall activities and trunk-or-treating! Sign up to help prep and with activities at the event at
Meet Your Faith Web!
We’re hosting the first Faith Web introduction events on Sunday, Oct. 27, between services, in the sanctuary. Save the date!
Faith Webs
As stated when Faith Webs kicked off in September, we’re asking households of our congregation to support youth going to Bible camp and mission trips in the following ways…
with your time
with your prayers
with your talents
with your activities
with some food (they’re kids after all!) and…
with money (every child gets the support of $300 per household)
To that end, we will give you ideas every month for what you can do to strengthen the bond of your Faith Web! Just a few ideas for October are…
Pray for one another
Sit together at worship
Send a card or invitation
Are you a youth who has yet to place your name in the Book of Faith Webs? Or a household that would like to be a supporter in a Faith Web? Today's the day! To be connected, go to the Faith Webs table in the narthex. There, a parent volunteer has a binder… the Book of Faith Webs. And don't just sign up for the kid that you know! Pay attention to where you're being drawn to… because the Spirit can be a beautiful matchmaker, and the Spirit will create those relationships between you.
For the $300 donation, you can donate all at once (in church or online at, or a little bit each week, and even through the scrip program as you purchase gas and grocery cards. (A small percentage of the price of the scrip cards you purchase goes to the youth, but it adds up!) If you donate by check, please note WHO it is for, and WHAT ministry the youth is involved in.
Thank you for entering into the shared goal of raising and supporting our kids! We are building community!
Affirmation of Baptism / Confirmation Sunday
We give thanks for the gift of baptism and for these people, one with us in the body of Christ, who will publicly affirm their baptism this Sunday, Oct. 27.
Kate Arsenault
Kendall Carlson
Brendan Chenault
Kennedy Everson
Cailyn Holter
Eva King
Jack Loos
Brock Needham
Katie Olson
Elle Pierre
Aubree Pintz
Bella Quackenbush
Tessa Reitzel
Alea Runde
Wendi Shilts
Cory Taylor
Benjamin Tempelis
Finley Walters
Chasen Witt
Butter Braid Orders Due This Sunday
The deadline for returning your order forms, with the money, is THIS Sunday, Oct. 27. Butter Braids will be available at the church for pickup on the afternoon of Monday, Nov. 11. A portion of every sale is put in the seller's camp/trip account to defray costs.
Hurricanes Helene and Milton
Hurricane Milton hit Florida as a powerful Category 3 hurricane, bringing storm surge, heavy rains, winds and tornadoes. Milton is one of the strongest hurricanes to hit the area in decades. At least four people have died, and millions are without electricity. This storm is particularly devastating because many communities were only beginning to recover from Hurricane Helene, which hit the Southeast just two weeks ago. Lutheran Disaster Response has strong relationships in the region and is already at work on the ground. Working alongside synods and other partners, Lutheran Disaster Response is prepared to expand to all impacted areas. We anticipate that our greatest impact will be reaching those in underserved and rural areas. By giving to Lutheran Disaster Response, you enable the ELCA to act quickly after disasters such as Hurricane Helene and Milton, and to remain for as long as the recovery takes. Support the response today at
Newsletter Assembly
It’s a relaxing way to volunteer! Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 10am, to assemble the November newsletter. See you there!
Courageous Men’s Group
The Courageous Men’s Group are men of all ages who meet weekly on Wednesdays at 6am in the Fireside Room for a time of fellowship and study. Contact Jim Knutson or the church office for more info:
Join Faith-based Leaders to Learn About Dementia
Wednesday Oct. 30, 9–10am, Black River Beach Neighborhood Center, 1433 Rose St., La Crosse
Wednesday Nov. 6, 12:30-1:30pm, American Legion Post 336, 731 Sandlake Rd., Onalaska
Each session includes the same information and complimentary refreshments. Nearly 7 million Americans are affected by Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias and more than 11 million people provide unpaid care. Here in La Crosse County, we are not untouched by the prevalence. By 2040, there will be 4,000 people living at home or with family (not in facility-based care). And many of these families are part of your faith communities. Join other faith-based leaders to learn about dementia and awareness of local resources and opportunities. Register at 608-785-5700 or
Do you like music? Do you enjoy singing, even if it’s in the shower? Do you appreciate the power of music in worship? Then put all of these things together and join the First Lutheran Choir! Practice is in the choir room most Wednesdays, at 7:30pm. Everyone 14 and older are welcome… there is no audition and no formal training required, just a desire to enhance worship through the beauty of music! For more info contact Corissa at
Pastor Appreciation Month
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Don't miss the chance to thank our amazing pastors for all the ways they inspire and support us!
Cloud of Witnesses: All Saints Sunday
We honor our brothers and sisters in Christ who have gone before us on All Saints Day, Friday, Nov. 1, at 12:15pm, and on All Saints Sunday, Nov. 3, at 8am and 10:30am. All services will be in-person and live streamed at
All Saints Day has long been a day when the church gives thanks for all the saints, the beloved, who have died, especially in the past year. You can provide photographs of your beloved dead so that we can be surrounded by their witness at All Saints worship. These pictures can be sent electronically (to or brought in. They will be printed as 4X6, so resolution should be such that they can be printed well from what you submit. If your loved one was a member of our congregation and died this past year, you received a letter with a special request. All Saints Day isn’t only about those who have died, but also about those who have been newly baptized. If your child was baptized this past year, you also will receive a special request. Please note, we will continue to use the photos that were submitted in previous years, so no need to resend those photos.
Fall Back! (Daylight Saving Ends)
Daylight saving time ends at 2am, next Sunday, Nov. 3. Don’t forget to change your clocks Saturday night! (Otherwise, you’ll just be early for church!)
Sugar Creek Youth Retreats 2024-25
Retreats are one of the best ways to build relationships among youth, adult leaders and the wider community. Sugar Creek retreats allow you to show up and be with your age group, knowing that you can enjoy all of the fun and activities. Save these dates for your calendar now! And NEW this season: One retreat is FREE for 2024 summer campers!
November 2: Hallowed Be Your Name Elementary Retreat (Grades 1-5)
February 7–8: Your Kingdom Come High School Retreat (Grades 9-12)
March 7–8: As it is in Heaven Confirmation Retreat (Grades 6-10)
April 26: Daily Bread Elementary Retreat (Grades 1-5)
First Sunday High School Gathering
NEXT: Sunday, Nov. 3, 11:30am(ish)–2:30pm, heading to Escape Room. Parents/guardians take turns providing the meal each month; serving and cleaning up. Sign up for just one of the months, and we'll be set for the year! Sign up at Extra event: Shopping in Rochester, Nov. 23, 10am-4pm.
Peer Ministry Kick-off
Starting Wednesday, Nov. 6. Peer Ministry is a great way for our 10th-graders to learn about how to deal with any situation that arises, large or small. It makes handling conflicts simple and equips them to be better listeners and be welcoming to those around them. Meeting most Wednesdays from 7–8:30pm at the house. Learn more at Questions? Contact
Sunshine Team
The Sunshine Team meets on the first Thursday of every month. NEXT: Nov. 7, 9:30am. Various jobs: cleaning, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, washing windows and cleaning carpets. Help make First look nice! Refreshments are supplied to replenish your reserves! Dues are free! Questions? Contact Dan at
Connecting with the Gospel of Luke
Are you looking for a connection between scripture and everyday life? Or maybe a way to dig deeper into the gospel of Luke? If so, join Pastor Karyn for one or both of these opportunities: On Nov. 18 and 25, from 6–7pm, an overview of the gospel Mark… and starting on Dec. 2 at 7pm, a year-long journey through the lectionary (our schedule of readings). Both will meet in the narthex. Cost of the yearlong class is $20 for the devotional study book we will use. Sign up at
Jazz Worship Wednesday, Nov. 20
Mark your calendars and be sure to join us for a special worship service of jazz liturgy on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 6:15pm, led by Jon Ailabouni.
Choir for Thanksgiving Eve Worship
On Wednesday, Nov. 27, First Lutheran members, along with our brothers and sisters in Christ from Onalaska United Methodist Church, will gather an hour in advance to rehearse their song for the Thanksgiving Eve Ecumenical worship service. Open to all people ages 14 and up, no long term commitment, no audition and no formal training required. Questions? Contact
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Worship
Everyone is invited to a special ecumenical worship service at First Lutheran on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 6:15pm, with our brother and sisters in Christ from Onalaska UMC.
Onalaska Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Organizers of the annual Onalaska Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the National Guard Armory expect to prepare and serve more than 1,600 meals on Nov. 28. The event brings together people in need, people unable to spend the holiday with family and friends, and people who are alone for the holiday. Dining is in-person, by carry-out or delivery. In-person dining and carry-outs are from 11am–2pm. Deliveries can be scheduled for 11am, noon or 1pm. To register for a delivery, visit starting Nov. 1. Organizers also are looking for volunteers and monetary donations. Learn more at
Bible Readers Deep Dive: Psalms
Join Pastor Stanton for an online study of the Psalms! Life consists of 1) seasons of well-being, 2) seasons of hurt and 3) moments of surprise when we are overwhelmed with the new gifts of God. The Psalms—more than any other part of the Bible—are able to accompany us through all the seasons and moments! Each weekday, Pastor Stanton posts a 5-10 minute deep dive into the Psalms. Find it at:, and
Free Clean Fill
Approximately 20 yards of sand and pea gravel, available behind the church house. Take as much as you like. Must pick up. Questions? Contact our building and grounds manager, Dan, at or by calling the office at 608.783.2236.
Volunteer Opp: Road to Bethlehem
Road to Bethlehem is an interactive drive-through live nativity at Sugar Creek Bible Camp held on the first Saturday of December (this year, Dec. 7). After, guests are invited into the Manna Center for hot chocolate and Advent-themed activities. Sugar Creek is looking for 6 congregations or families to adopt a post on the nativity trail, with 2–8 helpers for each station. You'll receive a script, props, costumes, a heat source and a few live animals! You provide the people and bring back great photos to share your adventure! Have old Christmas pageant costumes? Sugar Creek is seeking donations of gently used costumes for events like Road to Bethlehem. Interested? Contact Sugar Creek at 608.734.3113 /
Baptismal Preparation
The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Dec. 7, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office at 608.783.3326 by Sunday, Dec. 1. Min. attendance required: 2 families.
Monday Night Community Meals
For many years, Trinity Lutheran Church on the northside of La Crosse has hosted a meal on Monday nights. First Lutheran has agreed to help with this important community ministry, by preparing a meal, serving the food and cleaning up. We need people to plan and prepare the meal to feed 150-200 people, and folks to serve the meal (5-6pm) and help with cleanup. Meal prep can be done at your convenience. Many times people prepare the main course a week ahead, freeze it and reheat it. Food for the meal can be gotten at no charge from the Hunger Task Force in La Crosse. NEXT DATE: Dec. 9. Sign up at
Stephen Ministry
If you know of someone who needs a caregiver, please speak with Pastor Karyn, or call the church office: 608.783.2236.
Snow Birds
Are you heading out? Please let us know if you'll be spending the winter somewhere else. If we know your seasonal address, we can keep in touch by sending you the monthly newsletter. Call or email the office with your winter address: 608.783.2236,
“Ask people questions. This develops relationships and can be the touch of kindness someone needs in their day.”
Sunday School
Sunday, Oct. 27
9:15am Sunday School
Sunday, Nov. 3
9:15am Sunday School Christmas Program Rehearsal - SN
More info and registration:
3-Year Old Faith Building Block: Praying Together
Throughout the year, each age group will have a special “Faith Building Block” session in which parents or special adults are asked to attend class with their child on Sundays at 9:15am (in Fellowship Hall), sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. Most sessions last for three weeks, and afterward, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Building Block they learned about.
Sunday, Oct. 27: parents/guardians with children
Sunday, Nov. 3: Faith Building Block lifted up in worship
Sunday, Oct. 27:
9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Confirmation Class - Fireside Rm
1:30 Affirmation of Baptism / Confirmation Worship
Wednesday, Oct. 30:
5:05pm Confirmation Class “The Christian Journey: a Lutheran Perspective” - Fireside Rm
7:00pm Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups
More info and registration: