Announcements for Sunday, Aug 27, 2023
INSIDE: Outdoor Worship at 10am on Sunday • Sunday School Teacher/Volunteer Orientation • OWLs Fly to Lanesboro
First will have one more outdoor worship service and potluck this summer, weather permitting, THIS SUNDAY, August 27, 10am.
Bring your own lawn chairs, perhaps a hat to shade your eyes, and a side dish to share at the potluck (though everyone is welcome at the potluck even if you don’t bring anything!) If the weather's bad that day, we'll move inside. PLEASE NOTE: There will be no live stream of the 10am outdoor service.
Join us for worship!
Sunday, Aug. 27:
8am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
10am: outdoor worship, in-person. Current forecast for Sunday morning: Partly cloudly and 67º! If rain threatens, worship will move indoors. Outdoor worship will not be live streamed.
11am: potluck; we’ll provide the burgers and brats and ask that you bring a side dish of your choice.
Sunday School Teacher & Volunteer Orientation
Sunday, August 27, 11:15am. For all Sunday School teachers and volunteers: come and learn what this Sunday School year has in store. And thanks again for sharing your gift of time and talents with this ministry! In Fellowship Hall; lunch and child care provided (if needed; please let Pastor Stanton know). Questions? Email
Indian Boarding Schools: ELCA Truth-Seeking and Truth-Telling
Class: Introduction to the Truth and Healing Movement, August 29 (10-11am); September 26 (7-8pm). This workshop will explore the truths we seek to learn and the healing we hope to experience, as well as how the movement began, among Indigenous people and within the ELCA. It will also explain the work the ELCA has done recently and how you can participate in this justice movement.
Class: Indian 101, August 31 (10 am to 12 pm); September 28 (7-9 pm). “Indian 101” explains some of these basics to build a foundation for students to stand in solidarity with Indian people across the United States as we work together to dismantle longstanding systems of oppression.
Class: Indigenous Thought & Theology, October 26 (10 a.m. to 12 p.m.); November 30 (7-9 p.m.)
No pre-registration is required to participate in these classes. Just go to the Upcoming Events page, scroll to the class listing, and click "join the class" to attend. CLICK HERE to go to the Upcoming Events Page. For more info on the ELCA Truth-Seeking and Truth-Telling, CLICK HERE.
OWLs Fly to Lanesboro for Theater
The OWLs (our Older Wiser Lutherans at First, for anyone 55+) will do their traditional outing to the Commonweal Theatre in Lanesboro, MN. They’ll see the classic play and book “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” written by Robert Louis Stevenson. DATE: Thursday, August 31, for a preview performance (lower price). COST: $26.75. Dinner at a local restaurant before the show (cost on your own). Meet at church at 3:45pm for a beautiful drive along the Root River to Lanesboro. RSVP to volunteer coordinator Brian Narveson at 630.816.5917 or before Tuesday August 29.
Blood Drive
Tuesday, Sept. 5, 12:30-5:30pm. Every day ordinary people are saved by some pretty extraordinary people. People who give blood. Your donation could be the most valuable gift you have ever given. Just ask anyone who’s ever received it. Walk-ins welcome; appointments encouraged, schedule yours at Please bring a mask and photo ID.
Changes in Worship Times
With summer drawing to a close, worship times will be changing once again, and will be as follows…
Wednesday, Sept. 6
6:15pm, Wednesday evening worship resumes
Sunday, Sept. 10
On First Fest Sunday, worship changes back to 8am & 10:30am
Sing Fest!
Do you like music? Do you enjoy singing, even if it’s in the shower? Do you appreciate the power of music in worship? Then put all of these things together and join the First Lutheran Senior Choir! The first event the choir will rehearse for is First Fest. Practice will be Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 7pm in the sanctuary. All are welcome… there is no audition and no formal training required, just a desire to enhance worship through the beauty of music! And the time commitment is just for the one performance (not the entire year). Full schedule and sign-up at If needed, child care will be made available (just indicate this need on the sign-up form). For more info contact Todd Saner at
Confirmation Guides
You don’t need to know the Bible backwards & forwards & you don’t need a seminary degree. Just a heart for the youth of our church & an hour each week to spend with our confirmation youth. Parents, grandparents, godparents or any faith-mature adult is welcome to facilitate conversation and build relationships between our confirmands on Wednesday nights. Contact Pastor Stanton to nominate someone:
Sugar Creek 5K
Registration for the 10th annual Sugar Creek Bible Camp 5K Trail Fun Run/Walk is now open! Being held Saturday, Sept. 9, at 9am, at Sugar Creek Bible Camp, the course makes its way through each of the villages and prominent places on camp. Stick around after the run for the annual camp auction, the presentation of medals, and drawings for door prizes. Register at
Sugar Creek Fall Festival
Saturday, Sept. 9. Beginning at 9am: 5K Trail Run and Fun Walk (more info above). At 10am: craft fair, country store, silent auction, and BBQ pork lunch.
A Night with Rachel Kurtz
The Dinner Theater for First Fest has become… A Night with Rachel Kurtz! WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 9. This is a fundraiser for the kids going to the youth gathering.
5PM: Meet & Greet with Rachel Kurtz, and Meal: This is the fundraiser portion of the evening. Doors open at 5pm. This part of the evening includes: Meet and greet with Rachel Kurtz, dinner, door prizes and priority seating at the concert.
General tickets: $30/person with $90 cap/household. Includes…
Meet and greet with Rachel Kurtz
5 free tickets for 50/50 raffle
Priority seating during concert
Tickets for Rachel's table: $50/person
Tickets for the meet & greet and meal are on sale in the church office Mon–Fri, 8am–4pm and on Sunday mornings, through September 3. A full house can cover the full cost of the gathering for a youth, so get your tickets today!
6:30PM: Concert!
Free and open to the public!
Freewill offering
50/50 raffle
Silent auction
15th Annual First Fest!
On Sunday, Sept. 10, we invite you to join us for worship at 8am or 10:30am, and after the second service, relax, catch up with friends, introduce yourself to visitors or members you’ve yet to meet, listen to great music, have lunch and have some fun! FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!
Young Adults In Global Mission
Ceci Hook felt the call to Global Mission through her involvement at UWL Lutheran Campus Ministry and Common Ground. She also felt the nudge at Sugar Creek Bible Camp. God opened the doors, and now she is going to Senegal in West Africa. YAGM asks that each young adult raise at least $5,000 for the year (the full cost is about $15,000). Can you help?? It's a great opportunity to support a young adult and global mission at the same time. It just might be the cause you've been looking for.
For more information about Ceci CLICK HERE
For more information about YAGM in Senegal CLICK HERE
To give online CLICK HERE
Are you open to trying something new? Join the fun—ring bells! We welcome widely varied musical backgrounds. No experience necessary! We’ll begin with the basics and learn to work together. Musical ability is a skill that can be taught. Do you want to be involved? The bells rehearse Tuesdays at 5pm in the choir room, starting Sept. 12. For more info, contact Jim Knutson at Ring ‘dem bells!
FLY Flight Crew
"FLY" is the name our kids have chosen for their "First Lutheran Youth" group. And FLY "Flight Crew" is the name our adults have chosen to describe how we plan to move forward with Faith Formation at First. Much like a sports, show choir or band booster club meets to dream about how to support our kids in their activities (and then shows up to actually support the activities) we want parents to do the same as we shape the faith formation of our kids. Meeting the second Wednesday of the month; NEXT: Sept. 13, 5:30pm. Food and child care provided. NOTE TO THE CREW: The Frogs Without Legs Can't Hear books are in, and we’ll use them as our educational resource and fodder for conversation each month regarding faith formation. Pick up yours in the office whenever you have a chance. Please read the forward, introduction and chapter 1.
Response to U.S. Wildfires
Multiple wildfires broke out on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Exacerbated by strong winds, wildfires on Maui have claimed dozens of lives and have destroyed homes, businesses and lines of communication. Thousands of people were under evacuation orders, some moving to other Hawaiian islands. Wildfires have also affected the Big Island of Hawaii, and the islands remain vulnerable to more fires this season. Lutheran Disaster Response is coordinating with the Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and recovery amid the widespread destruction. Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to accompanying recovering communities in the years ahead. Gifts given to Lutheran Disaster Response equip us to respond to this, and other disasters, whenever and wherever they strike. Gifts given specifically to “U.S. Wildfires” will be restricted to, and used in full (100%) for those affected by wildfires. Donate now at
RECLAIM: A Gathering for People of African Descent
RECLAIM is a gathering for people of African descent, brought to you by African Descent Ministries. Participants will build a tool kit for ministry as we move through a pandemic, climate change and an era of preserving healers' spiritual and emotional wellness. The church needs healthy and whole preachers, teachers, professionals and young adults, all well-equipped with culturally relevant approaches to the word. Grounded in Scripture, RECLAIM will help participants feel embodied, emboldened and liberated in their identities.
WHEN: Sept. 14-17, 2023
WHERE: Minneapolis, MN
FOR: People of African descent of all ages and gender identities
DEADLINES: Standard registration and young adult registration end June 30. Late registration ends August 15.
Participants will engage in workshops, shared meals, praise and worship that will enable us to build community, learn new skills, share resources and rejuvenate weary souls. A Men in Mission cohort will meet alongside the RECLAIM gathering. Facilitated by the Rev. Jonathan Hemphill of the ELCA Southeastern Synod, this is an opportunity for collegiality, community and connection for Black men. Candidates for ministry, first-call pastors, and lay, African-descent men in ministry are invited into this intentional space. For more info visit
Entering Middle School Milestone
At First Lutheran we are committed to bringing the presence of God into the lives of children everywhere they go. This life milestone is for sixth-graders and their parents/guardians as they transition from elementary to middle school, and celebrates that each child is made in the image of God. We spend our time in four weeks talking about being created in the image of God, how God is in the midst of change and ways that we can feel connected with God through spiritual practices. Sunday, Sept. 17, 11:30am in the fellowship hall; lunch provided.
Baptismal Preparation
The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Oct. 7, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office at 608.783.3326 by Sunday, Oct. 1. Min. attendance required: 2 families.
New Members
By choosing to become a member, individuals and families commit to being part of a shared mission. Please let us know if you are interested in membership. One of our pastors will connect with you to find out how we may best be church together in the months and years to come. Call our office for more information at 608.783.2236 or email
Register for Sunday School & Confirmation
Advance registration is now available online for both Sunday School and Confirmation:
Sunday School: