Announcements for Sunday, May 21, 2023
INSIDE: One worship this Sunday & Congregational Meeting
The attendance of all members is requested at this congregational meeting THIS Sunday, May 21. On this day First Lutheran will have one worship service at 9am. After the meeting, there will be a celebration of both the welcome statement, Sunday School and Confirmation. Members are invited to bring an egg bake to share at the brunch… SIGN UP HERE.
Join us for worship!
Sunday, May 21:
ONE SERVICE at 9am: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
Wednesday, May 24:
6:15pm: live stream at, and in-person. Nursery available.
May 21: One Worship & Congregational Meeting
The attendance of all members is requested at this congregational meeting on Sunday, May 21. On this day First Lutheran will have one worship service at 9am. Within that time of worship, we will call to order a congregational meeting that simply asks for all our voting members to support our welcome statement. After the meeting, there will be a celebration of both the welcome statement, Sunday School and Confirmation. Members are invited to bring an egg bake to share at the brunch… SIGN UP HERE.
Questions about the welcome statement? Pastor Karyn and Pastor Stanton are sharing answers to a few of those questions every other weekday, from now until the congregational meeting. Watch them on Facebook, YouTube and on our website at
Peer Ministry Commissioning
We have had a tremendous season of getting to know our newest, amazing Peer Ministers. Once again, we have been blown away at the compassion, insight, and leadership of the young adults in our congregation. This Sunday, May 21, we will recognize these Peer Ministers during worship at 9am. We want to celebrate all of their hard work this past year to become better ministers to their peers!
On Monday, May 22, the OWLs (our Older Wiser Lutherans at First, for anyone 55+) will fly to Vesterheim Museum in Decorah, IA. Meet at the church at 8:30am. We will stop on the way to Decorah for a quick break and have lunch at a local restaurant while we are there. Museum cost: $10; pay for your own lunch. If you would like to be part of this fantastic adventure, please let Brian Narveson ( or 630-816-5917) know by Sunday, May, 21.
Prayer shawl knitters meet every Tuesday at 3:30pm in the narthex. Open to all!
You, Me, Us: Being Human Together
Pastor Karyn invites you to join in her quest to be a better human by joining a 3-week workshop she’s calling: You, Me, Us: Being Human Together. We will explore our personality, how we can strengthen our relationships, why values are important and how our family history impacts who we are. We will gather one last time on May 24 at 7pm. You can sign up by emailing Pastor Karyn at Not just for those who are coupled, this workshop is for any person, in any kind of relationship.
Worship Changes for the Summer
Wednesday worship will take a summer break; last service before break is May 31; Wednesday worship will resume Sept. 6
Sunday, June 11: Worship at 8am will be at First, and worship at 10am will be at Riverside Park with the synod (or at UWL Student Union if there is rain)
Starting June 18 thru the summer: Sunday worship will be at 8am and 10am
Outdoor worship at 10am three times this summer (weather permitting): June 25, July 23 and August 27.
Prayer Network
A Prayer Network is beginning at First! To learn more and be a part of this important ministry, make plans to attend a brief informational meeting on Wednesday, May 31, at 7pm in the narthex.
Communion Preparation
Looking for a way to share your gift of service at First? We have an opportunity for people to set up communion for first and second services on Sundays. Interested or have questions? Contact Pastor Karyn ( or Deb Dinger (; she’s here most Sunday’s at first service). Your help is greatly appreciated!
Easter Season Study: A Gospel of Hope
A Gospel of Hope, by Walter Brueggemann, encourages readers to embrace the audacity required to live out one’s faith. Join Pastor Stanton as he offers a 2–3 minute online reflection each weekday rooted in Walter Brueggemann's wisdom on topics ranging from anxiety and abundance to partisanship and the role of faith in public life. Easter is a week of weeks: seven weeks before Pentecost, and a perfect time to explore what it means to live a new life NOW. Find this study on our YouTube and Facebook channels, through the end of May.
Sugar Creek Summer Reg Now Open!
Summer camp registration at Sugar Creek is open, and campers are signing up! Spots for programs are filling up quickly, so make sure you don’t miss out. First Lutheran is happy to reimburse the $100 registration fee (contact the office)! Reg and more info online:
Grant Application Deadline
REMINDER: Grant applications from worthy organizations wishing to request funds from the First Lutheran Foundation are due by June 1! More information about the Foundation Fund and the grant application, can be found on the First Lutheran website under the “Serve” tab, or at
Baptismal Preparation
The next baptism preparation session will be Saturday, June 3, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office at 608.783.3326 by Sunday, May 28. Min. attendance required: 2 families.
Nathan Olson's Senior Recital
Don't miss pianist Nathan Olson's senior recital at First Lutheran on Thursday, June 8, at 7pm. Join us for a night of inspiring classical works on piano and viola, followed by a reception. All are welcome!
Synod Assembly for All
Please know that ALL are welcome to these events of the synod assembly…
Like to Serve? Check out Service Projects taking place at Holmen Lutheran, Friday, June 9; sign up to volunteer Assembly weekend.
Like to Sing? Consider joining the Assembly Choir
Like to Learn? Participate in 2 great workshops at the La Crosse Center Saturday afternoon and check out display tables by partner ministries and synod committees. The public is invited to attend 2 workshops at the La Crosse Center on Saturday, June 10. For non-voting members, the cost is $10 for two one-hour workshops or $25 for lunch & two one-hour workshops. You can register in advance or sign up the day of the event. Workshop 1 begins at 2:15 pm. The workshops will repeat and Workshop 2 will begin at 3:30pm. More info at topics are…
Church as Family: Moving Beyond Survival - by Pastor Karyn
Jesus & Jazz - by Jon Ailabouni, assembly musician and local freelance artist
Cultivating Life: Giving Relationships in Congregations - by Rev. Jay Wittmore, Executive Director of the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center
Ministry with the Younger Generation - by Jacob Sorenson, author and director of Sacred Playgrounds
You Serve Where? The Joys and Challenges of a Rural Call - by Dr. Trisha Wheelock, Director of the Moses Project
Life Giving Action in Climate Change: Solar Power and More - by Rev. Janet Wollam, Creation Care Team Chair
Reconciling in Christ Ministry - by Deacon David Behling, Director of Journey House
Like to Worship? You are invited to worship at Holmen Lutheran Friday, June 9 at 7pm and at Riverside Park in La Crosse Sunday, June 11, at 10am.
Enjoy Fellowship? Come to the synodwide picnic at 11:15am ($10 per non-voting member. We will serve meals until they are gone). Bring a lawn chair or blanket for the picnic. If you know you have a group coming from your congregation, let the synod office know in advance to increase the meal count. Guests are also always welcome to attend the assembly as non-voting members too.
Want to Contribute? Collect socks, underwear and teen bras to restock local clothing closets in the La Crosse Area. Hold all voting members and assembly planners in prayer. Share some photos of your congregation putting faith into action this past year to add to the Assembly slide show.
Like to Be Connected? Assembly will be live-streamed Friday and Saturday. You can also attend as a non-voting member or as a volunteer.
Confirmation Camp… for Youth Going Into Grade 8
Our upcoming confirmation students get a chance to start their confirmation journey in the beautiful valley of Sugar Creek, the week of Sunday, June 11, through Friday, June 16. We will learn in faith together while we do Bible study, horseback riding, hiking, swimming, campfires, and so much more! For youth going into 8th grade. Questions? Contact Pastor Karyn at
Juneteenth Celebration
La Crosse’s annual Juneteenth celebration! Uniting all members of the community in celebration of Black Americans!! Fun, food, entertainment, history, education and connection. At Riverside Park on Sunday, June 18, noon–8pm.
Clothes Closet Needs
The First Teen Clothes Closet is now taking donations for summer attire. Please donate CLEAN, new or gently-used, teen-style clothing and accessories. The donation bins are in between the front doors of our church. Donations can also be dropped off at Trinity Lutheran Church in La Crosse on Mondays from 4-6pm. Feel free to call the church office if you have questions: 608.783.2236. We truly appreciate your donations!!!
Current needs include:
Hoodies (size XL, XXL and XXXL)
Summer dresses (XL, XXL & XXXL)
Summer skirts (size L, XL, and XXL)
Men's athletic shorts (size XS, S, M, L, XXL, XXXL)
Men's & ladies sweatpants (XS, XL, XXXL, and XXXXL)
Ladies leggings (XXL & XXXXL)
Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, bodywash, and lotion
Jewelry & make up
Outdoor Worship This Summer
First will worship outdoors on Fifth Ave, once a month during the summer, on the fourth Sunday, weather permitting…
June 25, 10am
July 23, 10am
August 27, 10am
Bring your own lawn chairs, and perhaps a hat to shade your eyes. If the weather's bad that day, we'll move inside.
Blood Drive
Tuesday, June 27, 12:30-5:30pm. Every day, ordinary people are saved by some pretty extraordinary people. People who give blood. Your donation could be the most valuable gift you ever give. Just ask anyone who’s ever received. Walk-ins welcome; appointments encouraged, schedule yours at Please bring a photo ID and mask.
Lutheran World Relief Matching Challenge
When you make a donation to Lutheran World Relief by June 30, your gift will be matched — dollar for dollar — to reach our poorest neighbors suffering from hunger and malnutrition right now.
Donations for Rummage Sale to Support Alzheimer’s
OWLs member Sharon Zimmer and her husband, Chuck, have been married for almost 40 years. Chuck was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s at age 60, along with PPA dementia (same kind as Bruce Willis). Sharon has a huge goal of raising $5,000 for EndAlz and Alzheimer’s locally. To do so, she is having a rummage sale in mid-June and is asking for donations of all sorts: clothes, furniture, working appliances, toys, sports gear in good condition, etc. (Please no household paint, tires, cribs or outdated electronics that are costly to dispose of.) If you have something you would like to donate, she can be reached at 608.783.6757 / The money raised for Alzheimer’s will go to research and local education.
Vacation Bible School: Operation Restoration
Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer, Sunday, Aug. 13, through Thursday, Aug. 17. Invite your neighbors! For 4K through Grade 5 in the fall (3 year olds are welcome to attend in the nursery). Register at
New Members
By choosing to become a member, individuals and families commit to being part of a shared mission. Please let us know if you are interested in membership. One of our pastors will connect with you to find out how we may best be church together in the months and years to come. Call our office for more information at 608.783.2236 or email
Fundraising to Support Our Youth
Your weekly groceries, gas and shopping money can support youth ministry! Scrip cards are often sold in the narthex on Sundays between services, and are also available in the church office M–F, during office hours. We have Kwik Trip, Woodman's, Target, Walmart and Festival cards. To find out what's currently available and when you can buy them, call the church office at 608.783.2236 or send email to
Donations For Ukraine
Lutheran World Relief has committed $7 million to respond to the crisis in Ukraine, and expects to increase this amount as they receive additional support. With millions of individuals displaced in Ukraine and with citizens continuing to flee Ukraine each day, the needs grow daily. Donate at
Lutheran Disaster Response is accompanying companion churches and ecumenical partners in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to respond to the crisis in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Gifts to “Eastern Europe Crisis Response” will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by the crisis in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Donate at
From Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: The U.S. will now welcome up to 100,000 refugees from Ukraine. We need to act fast to prepare for these refugees, currently 90% of whom are women and children. There is an urgent need for resources, including emergency medical care, temporary housing, financial support for basic necessities, and much more. Donate at
OASIS Respite Program
OASIS is a weekly program for people in the beginning to mid-stages of dementia, Alzheimer's and other brain-related diagnoses. This respite time provides socialization, brain enrichment and activities while the person's caregiver gets a much-needed four-hour break. The suggested donation is $20 per visit for the activities and a nutritious lunch. OASIS is an outreach program of Causeway Caregivers and can be reached at 608-780-0417.
Sunday School
Sunday, May 21
Sunday School Celebration; have a blessed summer!
Sunday, Aug. 13–17
Vacation Bible School: reg at
Sunday, Sept. 10
15th Annual First Fest!
Questions about Sunday School? Visit
5:30–8pm Confirmation Celebration
5:30pm celebration dinner for confirmands AND families
6:15pm worship for confirmands AND families
7:00pm confirmation small groups AND special confirmation ParentShare in sanctuary
Confirmation Camp for Youth going into Grade 8
Sunday, June 11–Friday, June 16
Questions about Confirmation? Visit