Message from Pastor Stanton for May 2022

I hope whoever wrote, “April showers bring May flowers” knew what they were talking about. Of course, those of us who have lived in this part of the world know there is wisdom in the phrase. It helps us get through the rain and clouds of April when we remember that flowers are coming.

Every flower seems like a miracle after living through the barrenness, gray and brown of winter and early “spring”. And the thing is: it is! The miraculousness of each green leaf, colored petal or growing sprig may wear off by July or August, but it is still true. That anything barren or dead once again lives and bears beauty is indeed worth celebrating.

Be a part of the May flowers that are popping up at First Lutheran!
You are always welcome.

At First Lutheran, we find ourselves in “May” both literally and figuratively. The long dormant months of discerning how best to use masks, which gatherings to limit in number and how to remain physically distant while pursuing the work of ‘being community’ have given way to a time of growth. In April, nearly 50 new members joined our family of faith at a new member social. Young families, former members who have returned and retired couples new to town ate and shared stories together. It was pretty great. The last time we could celebrate quite like that?: Fall of 2019. Easter Sunday saw nearly 600 people worship in-person. That’s still a far cry from our typical pre-Covid numbers that would approach 900 or more, but it’s better than the last couple of years. Confirmands rave about small groups. Our OWLs enjoy once-a-month potlucks. At the end of April, we are able to provide fellowship to multiple families as they gather for funeral luncheons. In-person connections are necessary to the work of the church. I do not regret the precautions we chose to share over the last few years, and I still respect those who are not yet ready to return to the fullness of what it means to be First Lutheran. But what I’m saying is, I see the May flowers starting to emerge. Our graduation milestone honored seniors in high school and their parents. It was so very significant! Our ParentShare and other small groups are meeting in-person and for some, it’s what is keeping us sane. On the Saturday night before Easter, 75 people gathered for a dinner theater version of the Easter vigil. It was VERY good (to steal a line from Genesis). God is re-creating First Lutheran, as God is always doing, around our efforts to worship together, learn together and serve together. If you haven’t yet made the effort to return to old routines, I strongly encourage you to come back. Be a part of the May flowers that are popping up at First Lutheran! You are always welcome.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Website and Online Changes


Message from Pastor Karyn for May 2022